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Todd did not show a bit of sympathy. “I breached your butthole with my thickest finger. You are tougher than that!”

She called all three men every foul name she knew. After decades of life on the bayou, Corinne was well-versed in the art of swearing. Jeffrey just gave her a disapproving tsking sound. Todd informed her she would be lucky if he didn’t wash out her mouth with soap when she got out. Eric waited until she exhausted herself mentally and physically to try reasoning with her.

“You really should be careful about signing contracts without analyzing every clause. Had you done so, you would have noticed the paragraph detailing timeouts. It clearly identifies the setting, duration, and effects of calling for a timeout. Now be a good girl and take some time to collect yourself. Todd and I will make sure Master Jeffrey is removed from the immediate area for an hour. Hell, we might make him finish cleaning the fish so we can start up the grill for tonight’s supper. I suggest you get some sleep.”

There was no lock on the cage. One flip of a lever and she would be free. She could spy on the guys and climb back in without them being any the wiser. It was so tempting, but Corinne didn’t give in to it. She wasn’t a quitter.

Still, she was mad about her current predicament. Was it so wrong to ask for a timeout? She had panicked and just needed some time to reevaluate her feelings about allowing Master Jeffrey to own her so completely.

Now that she had that time, she wasn’t sure how to feel. The loss of his collar was strangely upsetting. He was disappointed in her, and Corinne had the urge to regain his trust. And Daddy’s. She wasn’t a baby, afraid of a bit of discomfort. Todd had taught her that some pain was the gateway to new, exciting pleasures.

The more she wrestled with her conflicting thoughts, the more exhausted Corinne became. She drifted off into a fitful sleep, dreaming of Master Jeffrey giving her another chance, and Daddy being proud of how brave she could be.

Grilled redfish had never been one of Corinne’s favorite dishes, but something about the knowledge that she caught the night’s meal changed her attitude. All three men congratulated her on pulling in a two-person legal limit of the trout. She basked in the glory of their praise, forgetting her resentment about being locked in a cage. It still felt peculiar to be completely naked while all three men remained clothed.

Master Jeffrey had taken a shower during her nap and didn’t bring up the subject of tweezers when he freed her. A truce of some sort appeared to be in place until after the meal. Corinne found herself tempted to apologize for causing so much drama, but pride kept her silent. Her Daddy alarmed her when he casually instructed her to apologize. “Be a good girl and ask Master Jeffrey to give you another chance.”

Screw off! she started to snap back, but controlled herself in time. She knew the four of them were at a crossroads. Her response signaled if the game they were playing would continue or not. Did she really want to go back home without allowing herself to explore the exciting experiences afforded her this trip? Technically she’d still had only had two lovers in her life, her former husband and Todd.

Maybe she could convince Daddy Todd to continue seeing her once they returned home. He’d taught her so much about finding acceptance and pleasure. Was she ready to stop exploring her limits with any other men and focus all her desires on him? Yes and no. She knew her feelings for Todd were deep and lasting, but part of her still wanted the freedom to test the waters with the others.

The decision made, Corinne bowed her head. “I regret disappointing you, Master Jeffrey. Can you find it in your heart to give me another chance?”

She expected him to readily accept her offer. When he didn’t rush to do so, Corinne raised her eyes to glare at him. His lips were pursed, but she saw the mocking laughter in his sapphire eyes.

“Let’s test your resolve, Corinne-girl. Go fetch my tweezers. There are three or four stray hairs I plan to eliminate before moving on with tonight’s entertainment.”

The tension was thick as she struggled to decide if she would do as ordered or dump a pitcher of iced tea over Master Jeffrey’s head. It was so tempting to pour cold liquid over his arrogant face, but the promise of mind-numbing sex was too great to give up. Her chair protested as she abruptly pushed back from the table.

“Sit back down!” Master ordered.

Shocked at his demanding tone, she quickly plopped her butt back into her chair.

“Now show us the proper way to get up. Don’t forget to push in your chair, too. Manners are important in the south, Corinne-girl. Never forget that fact.”

Her throat hurt from holding back the comeback she longed to scream. Still, she measured her response. Slowly, carefully, she eased back her seat, and got up quietly, before tucking it in. “Mind-blowing orgasm,” Corinne muttered repeatedly under her breath as she marched to the bathroom to get the requested weapon of torture.

“Only when and if I say so,” Master Jeffrey called after her.

Conflicted over handing him the grooming tool or going for his throat, Corinne hovered a few feet from him after returning. “Do you need another timeout?” he asked, mockingly.

She lunged for his throat, and it took both Eric and Todd to pull her off.

As it turned out, Corinne’s concerns about how uncomfortable and painful it would be to have pubic hairs plucked out by the root one by one were spot-on. The only thing saving her from crying out was being allowed to sit on Daddy’s lap as Master Jeffrey completed the task. Once he finished tormenting her, he paused to examine his handiwork proudly. The former quarterback appeared quite pleased as he set aside the tweezers and ran his finger along the smooth, bare lips of her mounds.

“Beautiful. Perfect.” The moment his words sounded in her ears Corinne found herself responding with pride. “Come and have a look, Eric.”

The other man came and dropped to a knee. Corinne felt her face go crimson as he examined her, too. He asked Master Jeffrey permission to physically inspect the area.

Once the okay was given, Eric’s fingers moved over her mound and Corinne felt moisture flood her channel. Master Jeffrey’s hand joined in on the examination. Daddy’s strong hands anchored her in place as her body tensed as if she was building toward a climax. He started palming her breasts, filling her ears with words of praise for being so beautiful and submissive.

“You haven’t earned my forgiveness yet.” Master Jeffrey’s deep tone stopped her from giving into the wonderful sensations. “Until my collar is back in place, you are forbidden to come.”

Being denied made her crazy and her body demanded she do whatever was needed to grant it a proper release. Forcing a compliant expression, she found herself begging. “What can I do to earn the privilege of wearing your collar, Master Jeffrey?”

“How are your oral skills, Corinne-girl? We know your mouth is apt at tossing out sassy comments. Many times, in the past, I have imagined you on your knees, my cock stuffing your feisty words back down your throat.”

Dare she admit her skills with sucking were limited at best? “I will do my best to please you, Master.”
