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Todd gave her some water before round two started and offered some secret advice in a soft whisper. “Have you noticed Eric is having a difficult time keeping his eyes off your nipples? Use it to your advantage.”

Corinne was still miffed with Todd about what happened on the porch, but she needed help if she hoped to win any of the three Twister matches. “What am I supposed to do? I don’t think there is a place on that spinner saying to place your right tit on blue.”

“There is nothing in the rules that tells you what you can do with your free limbs. Eric is playing dirty. If you don’t distract him, he will have your pants next.”

“What are you two chatting about over there?” Eric called out. “No asking for help, Corinne.”

“There isn’t a rule about that,” Corinne argued, stretching her body upward to limber up, smiling to herself as Eric stared at her breasts. Playing dirty might just be the trick to winning.

She approached the mat, now twisting side to side, making sure to accidently brush against Eric every chance available watching as he tried to discreetly adjust himself. Damn, fighting dirty was fun.

Jeffrey grinned as he called out the first direction. “Right foot on red.”

Eric looked away from Corinne and put his right foot on a red spot clear across from her. Corinne moved to the farthest red spot. She took her time, using up almost an entire minute, doing her best to bounce her breasts in his view.

“Left foot on green,” Jeffrey called.

Eric and Corinne faced each other across different sides of the mat. Corinne licked her lips.

“Right foot on yellow.”

Eric took a step closer to her without thinking it through, his gaze glued to her chest. She moved closer to him, stretched up on her toes and went for the jugular, caressing her breasts, pulling the nipples taut. His Adam’s apple popped out. She had a fighting chance here, Corinne realized. But she had to take advantage of it before Eric started thinking with his brain instead of his cock.

“Right hand on blue.”

With her right hand, and both legs occupied, she found herself leaning over, her breasts dangling free. Corrine pinned Eric with a sultry look, lifted her left hand to her mouth and sucked her pointer finger between her lips. Then she slowly withdrew the slippery digit and moved it down to one breast. She circled the nipple, planning to pretend she was aroused. But the way Eric reacted to her thrilled her, and her nipple grew harder. It was awkward, but she managed to use her left hand to lift one breast upward as if trying to bring it to her mouth. The moment her tongue snaked in the general direction of her breasts, Eric fell flat on his face.

She cackled with glee and claimed her prize. “Go ahead and take off your shorts, boss. You can lay them beside my shirt on the sofa.” I’m going to get some more water before we start the tiebreaker."

Winning against Eric had been so rewarding.

But victory was short-lived, and he once again reminded her that she did not have the upper hand. Sure, he was on to her and easily beat her in the last game, claiming her own shorts. But, for one brief moment in time, she had outwitted the mastermind. She would savor that memory for decades to come.

“Go get the other box, Corinne. Let’s see what you might have faced had you picked it instead.” Eric was back in control again. He was pissed. Good and pissed, Corinne realized. But surprisingly, he didn’t seem to hold it against her. No, she realized, he was upset with himself for reacting to his arousal instead of thinking things through before making his move.

She wouldn’t be able to trick him again easily. But it was fun trying. Instead of bemoaning the stupid contract and being obliged to play by the guys’ rules, she plotted other ways to win. It seemed mind games could be sexy, too.

The next box was packed with bubble wrap to home the contents tightly. There were two boxes inside. One was a game a local resident developed after playing Cards Against Humanity, only his version was called Dirty Cajun Crimes. The other object was the size of a Kleenex box. Inside a length of metal chain clanged loudly every time it hit the walls of the container encasing it.

“You were trying to make me think there was some sort of torture device inside,” she accused him.

“Half the skill of winning is convincing your opponent he, or in this case, she, is already at a disadvantage.” His sly smile did strange things to the pit of her stomach. He was dastardly but so damn sexy.

“Like I got into your head in the second round of Twister?” she sassed back at him, pretending he wasn’t getting under her skin. She prayed he thought her nipples were reacting to the cool breeze in room. “Can someone kick the heat up a few degrees? You all may be properly dressed, but I am finding it a bit uncomfortable.”

Eric made a production of studying her body before taking her comment to heart. Todd, bless his protective soul, set the thermostat to seventy-four degrees.

Jeffrey offered to brew Corinne a cup of hot coffee, but Eric waved the suggestion aside. “You don’t have time to play nursemaid right now. This next game involves more than two players.”

Jeffrey chucked. “You’re going to mindfuck us all this round? This ought to be interesting.”

“No one is going to fuck me,” Todd said flatly. “Unless you want to allow Corinne to share some alone time with me. Even then, I’d be the one doing the fucking.” He gave her a dark, passionate look. “You’d be the one begging for more.”

“There won’t be any fucking for a few more hours,” Eric declared, leading Corinne toward a seat at the table. He sat adjacent to her, leaving Todd and Eric to sit on the other side facing them both.

“The dealer passes six green cards to each player. Then he, or she,”—he nodded toward Corinne—“reads the phrase printed on the top red card from that deck aloud. The other players read over the various sayings on the cards in their hand, then picks one to hand to the dealer. The dealer mixes up the cards played and reads the red card again before reading the green cards handing in by the other players. Dealer gets to decide which of the cards played is best and awards the red card, or point, to the person who offered it up. First player to six red cards wins.”

“What do we win?” Corinne demanded, all kinds of outlandish prizes coming to mind. Eric was already getting into her head, and they hadn’t even started to play yet.
