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She listened as he fiddled around with things. She was fairly certain he wasn’t pulling out a deck of UNO cards or even a Monopoly game. Finally, she heard him moving back toward the bed.

“You should trust me because today I have shared what having a relationship with me would be like. I will push you when we are up against each other, challenge every limit you may believe you have, but never seek to break you or your will.”

She had to acknowledge that seemed to be the truth. He played dirty games, but he followed his own code of ethics that stopped him for going too far. When a soft object touched her face, Corinne flinched at the unexpected contact.

Eric chuckled at her but continued moving something across the side of her face, and over her neck and back.

“I have also proved what kind of partner I would make if you were on my side. I wouldn’t for one second forget how lucky I am to have you willingly explore with me. We make a remarkable team, Corinne. You can’t deny that after all the fun we had today. I have learned to read your every expression. When you are bluffing, you bite your lower lip. But when you are confident, you tend to sit up a bit straighter and scan the faces of everyone around you. It’s almost as if you are checking to make sure they don’t know your secret. Admit it, Corinne-girl. We are well on our way to being able to communicate without speaking a word.”

Forging more confidence than she felt, Corinne tried to appear nonchalant. “It goes both ways, Eric.”

“Boss,” he corrected her. “I have grown fond of the term after hearing you repeat it a few times today. It shows you realize I am the one in control, even when we are on the same playing field.”

“Great, another title to try and keep straight in my head. Daddy, Master, and now Boss.” She groaned.

Eric may have detected a note of disrespect or at least lack of respect. A large, hard hand landed soundly on her backside. Jerking upward, she protested, but resolved to mind her tongue.

Another smack followed, and she was speechless for a few seconds, not quite sure of how to get him to return to the relaxing sensation of rubbing the soft material against her skin and forgo the painful correction. The third slap was directly on her sit-spot, and it helped her concentrate hard on what to do or say next.

“That hurt, Boss,” she stammered, turning her blindfolded face toward where she thought he was standing. Dare she continue with what she was going to say prior to the impromptu spanking?

Corinne dared.

Eric was correct. She trusted him implicitly. “I learned a lot about your tells today, too, Boss. That was all I was going to say.” Her head jerked to the other side when she felt his hot breath touch her ear.

“So I discovered, when you appeared to know what I would do next before I even planned it. Thus, the blindfold. And the ties. You have always been clever, Corinne. I knew that when we were still in high school. You were valedictorian of your year, I believe. I imagine that was a difficult task, as the superintendent’s son was in the running for the honor. Did you sic your Daddy on him, Corinne-girl? Or did you handle the situation on your own?”

“A combination of both,” Corinne admitted, pleased that the smacking had halted for now and the soft material, another silk scarf if her guess was right, was tantalizing her skin. I hacked into the grading system and monitored scores. When my test grades started to slip, despite acing everything, I printed out copies and showed them to my father. Next thing I knew, the careless errors suddenly changed. I didn’t want to steal Jim Bob’s position at graduation, but I was sure as hell not going to give up something I worked so hard to achieve.”

“It’s one of the many things about you that I respect. You go after what you want. Fairly, without deceit or malice. Did you know Todd, Jeffrey and I were shocked when you married that wimp? Don’t get all defensive. He was a decent sort of guy, but totally wrong for you. All three of us knew you would be miserable. He was strictly vanilla. There is no way in hell he ever met your needs, in or out of the bedroom.”

“Why would I ever be the topic of conversation between your guys? You three were too busy competing at everything to even think about me.” Corinne missed the gentle stroke of the soft scarf. As she heard Eric moving items around, obviously looking for something, or somethings her mind rushed from one horrible possibility after another, wondering what he might return with.

“I’ve got a little secret to share with you, Corinne-girl. All three of us wanted to claim you. It is one of the few things we have ever fought over. Running plays on the football field, starting a business, whose name would go first on the company’s door... we managed to work all those challenges out. We weren’t stupid. We recognized one another’s strengths and weaknesses and made our final decision accordingly. Except where you were concerned. None of us was willing to admit defeat. By the time we decided to let you decide, you had up and married the first guy who asked.”

Something rolled down her back, leaving an odd prickling feeling. It didn’t hurt so much as frustrate her. She couldn’t see the source of the sensation and it was damn frustrating. Couldn’t he just fuck her already?

Eric moved the mysterious object across her body, spending extra time on her backside, but never lingering for long in one spot. “I was very disappointed in you, to be honest. Please tell me you didn’t save yourself for him. There is no way he could have introduced you to the glorious pleasure making love can be.”

“Believe me, I have paid many nights for that error,” Corinne said, then wished she had kept her mouth shut.

Her late husband was a good, decent man. What kind of horrible person would speak so ill of the dead? She despised herself for being disloyal. Was Eric’s claim about the three men vying for her attention real or was he using another ploy to get a mental advantage to use against her? The prickling sensation ended and there was a pause as Eric went off to find his next plaything.

The next object tickled, and she fought against the urge to laugh. He was using a feather, Corinne was sure of it. She managed to stay still and not react until he started torturing the soles of her feet. The full belly laughs escaping her lips forced her shame about her late husband aside. “Uncle! Boss... I surrender!” she gasped between hiccups.

“Maybe you will prefer this,” he told her in a sexy, low voice.

Cool liquid poured down the middle of her back. Eric was working it into her shoulders, the small of her back, and her thighs before concentrating on the opening between her legs. The slippery substance made his fingers move quickly, and the speed of his attention to her clit had Corinne ready to explode. Just as the glorious tension that always proceeded her climax was taking hold, he moved his attention.

One of his fingers slipped inside her core and he started thrusting it in and out. Again, the wonderful feeling of ecstasy took hold, and again, before she could come, he moved to another task.

Sucking in her breath, Corinne felt him exploring her puckered entrance. She heard him squeezing more liquid out, but it didn’t pool on her skin. He must have been collecting it in his hands. She tried not to tense up, but it was impossible.

“Do you trust me, Corinne-girl?” He paused as if waiting for her to give the go-ahead before proceeding.

She knew at once what he planned to do. He was going to explore her final virgin hole.

She worked hard to release the tension from her body and calm her breathing. A hard, slick object paused at her back entrance. Eric didn’t rush his exploration. He was persistent but patient, pushing only as far as her body would easily allow. Corinne couldn’t believe her response. She seemed to be opening for his attention, even using her internal muscle to push out and welcoming the object even deeper inside her. Eric suddenly stopped and her body mourned the loss of his pleasure.
