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She waited atop the camp stairs, staring down at them. “You will be pleased to know I made my decision. It’s been a wonderful experiment, gentlemen. I must thank you all for showing me some of the pleasures awaiting in the future. At first, I worried I wouldn’t be able to make a choice between you. Each of you has unique, er, talents and I found the roleplaying of Daddy, Master and Boss invigorating. Then I came to the conclusion. Why choose?”

“Are you suggesting you share all three of us?” Eric demanded, seeming appalled at the very notion.

Todd started to climb the steps, Jeffrey on his heels. She halted them with a gesture, just as they seemed to notice the suitcases stacked on the path. The detail appeared to leave all three speechless for a moment. Good, because she wasn’t through just yet. “I am not quite finished explaining. I owe you guys so much. How will I ever be able to thank you for opening my eyes about my more basic needs? I was worried it would be too odd having another sexual relationship after losing my husband. Yet I was able to find pleasure in each of your beds. There is no telling what I will discover next, or who will be sharing the experience with me.”

“Like hell,” Todd growled.

“She’s bluffing,” Jeffrey said.

“I say we take her back inside and get a more definitive answer from her,” Eric added.

Corinne’s instincts were to run. Hide. Beg for forgiveness. She held her ground. Given a chance, these guys could manipulate their way into her heart and mind even more than they already had. She would end up picking one and regret allowing herself to be treated as a prize in one of their stupid games.

She held up the contract before they managed to get to her on the landing. “Rougarou, gentlemen. It’s time to return home so I can begin exploring this new side of myself.”



Corinne hadn’t showed up to work since they returned from their trip. She’d debated handing in her resignation a dozen times, even writing it out on paper once. It ended up in the trash can, along with the handful of letters from her bosses. She didn’t even bother reading them. Her emotions were still raw. Betrayal was hard to recover from, especially when it was at the hands of people you trusted and loved.

Dammit, she didn’t want to feel anything but anger toward them. It would make cutting ties and moving on with life so much easier. But she dreaded leaving behind her life here just when it wasn’t so dull and monotonous. Everything would be perfect if the three men hadn’t decided to use her to satisfy their perverted games. How could she have been too blind to see what was going on?

From high school on, Eric, Todd and Jeffrey had been competing to one-up each other. It was strange they managed to run such a successful business together. Pursing her lips tightly, she decided, so long as all three benefited, they found a way to share. They must have taken some sort of sick pleasure in passing her between them. Worse, they made her the judge of their little game. She was supposed to decide which she thought was the best.

None of them were, dammit. She’d soaked up everything they offered her, enjoying it and pretending that the real world didn’t matter outside of their existence in the camp. Their words about her choices that final morning echoed in her mind.

“You have four choices. You can decide you want to put this getaway past you, and we all agree to return home and never mention it again. Or you can pick me.”

“Or me,” Eric had chimed in.

“Or me,” Jeffrey had echoed.

If she’d had never found the damning evidence of their little game in Eric’s belongings, which choice would she have made? It would have torn at her heart to walk away from two of them. She ended up stuck with the first alternative, anyway. Returning home and never mentioning the trip was the only answer.

Or was it?

Straightening her spine, Corinne decided it was time to take control of her life once and for all. She pulled out her personal laptop. It was much slower and bulkier than the newer models from work, but it worked all the same. She started creating a document. She would set the rules this time. Then she would march right over to the office and make her down demands.

Corrine paused at the entrance to the conference room to steel her nerves. The door was ajar and she could see her three bosses clearly. After hearing the conversation from inside, she was glad. It bolstered her resolve.

“I say we go over to her place and demand she talk to us.” Eric pounded on the conference-room table. Corrine was shocked at Boss losing control. He was generally the calm one. Maybe she had a real chance to pull her plan off.

“And risk scaring her even more?” Todd sat across from him, his large frame straining the leather chair he sat in. Daddy was afraid of losing her? It softened the blow of him giving her up the Master Jeffrey that second day at the camp.

“I still can’t figure out where we went wrong. If she was going to balk on any of the days, I certainly didn’t think it would be the one we left her in peace.” Jeffrey looked exhausted. Corrine studied him the longest because his obvious pain gutted her. “She safeworded us. All of us. But why?”

Eric pulled out his chair and sat down. He rested his large arms on the table and cupped his chin in his palms. “We can’t let this continue. Personal matters aside, Corinne is critical to the day-to-day workings of this company. I had no idea of all the jobs and tasks she freed us from. Without her, we will be bottoms-up before the year is over.”

Corrine’s confidence solidified. She could taste victory. Once she made her demands known, they would have no choice by the agree her solution was perfect. They would protest, sure but eventually they’d see they had no choice but to give in.

She jumped back nervously when she realized Todd was staring in her direction. “To hell with the damn business. I want Corinne back. I don’t care of it’s just as a coworker or friend.” He cursed before amending his statement. “I want her in my bed, at my side, calling me Daddy and letting me protect her and please her in ways she is just beginning to appreciate.”

Smiling, she shifted so she could stare at them through the crack in the door.

Jeffrey was tapping his ink pen. “We all want her. The only thing we can agree on is letting her decide which of us is best for her. I would hate either of you if she chose you over me, but at least I would know she has someone who appreciates her, loves her and will be there for her no matter what.”

“We never should have given her the chance to pick none of us,” Eric insisted. “It gave her an out. The whole purpose of the damn getaway was to finally claim what we each have been lusting for since high school.”
