Page 40 of Kenton's Courage

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Maybe he didn’t know that?

“Littles can be cute and seducible. I know some like that. Pups, of course. The regular kind of subs. I know one guy who swears he’s vanilla but he’s cute and seducible. He’s confused, though. He’s definitely kinky because he thinks I’m normal.” Some people took a while to find what their kinky thing was.

Master chuckled and squeezed my ass again. “I concede to your clearly greater insight into kinky people.”

That was probably a good idea.

I knew a lot of them.

“I like people.” They were fun and unique and sometimes just strange. “That’s why I like both my jobs. I get to meet all kinds of weird people.”

Master snickered as his fingers spread and he started trying to be subtle as he teased my hole. “Was I one of those weird people?”

I couldn’t stop the giggles that escaped even though my ass pushed out to get more of his finger. “No. You just looked like a hot, nice straight guy. You didn’t say anything personal and you were always so careful about how you behaved.”

Silently chuckling, he sighed. “Yeah, I don’t radiate interesting most of the time, but in my defense, I grew up in one of those weird areas where everyone was careful and polite and kept their weirdness to themselves.”

That sounded scary.

“Really?” He must’ve heard what I thought of that because he laughed again.

“Yes, I didn’t even realize a couple down the street from where I grew up were swingers until I met them at a BDSM club. It was weird.” Master huffed as I giggled. “Evidently, one of the other neighbors sold sex toys for a living and another was a porn star.”

I was trying not to laugh but it was too hard and just made him sigh. “I have no idea how that happened but everyone just pretended everything was normal. I must’ve grown up in some kind of fake movie set town.”

Maybe one of those fake towns spies grew up in?

“But they were nice? Oh, was the porn star hot?” That seemed like an exhausting job. “Did you sleep with the swingers? Did you have gay neighbors?”

Master laughed and gave my ass a spank. “Now you’re waking up.”

Because he was telling good stories and not just rubbing my back.

“I like listening to you, Master.” Tilting my hips so our dicks were rubbing together, I slowly moved my hands back around to his chest and found his nipples so I could give them some good attention. “I like hearing your voice and I like hearing your stories and I like spending time with you.”

He had the best stories because he worked with people who were crazier than Eli.

The only difference was that they were trying to hide it and Eli wasn’t.

“You’re so sweet.” Master tilted his head and kissed down my neck, making me shiver. “But you’re also a needy boy, aren’t you? Sweet, but ready to be fucked into the mattress, isn’t that what you want?”

Nodding, because lying would not get me what I wanted, I moaned as his finger started fucking me. “Yes, I need you, Master. I want to feel you inside me and I want to ache tomorrow.”

Instead of worrying, Master made a low growling sound that made my knees weak. “Do you want to have my cum dripping from your wrecked hole, pup? Is that what you want?”

“Oh, that’s so…” He was so romantic. “You’re so good to me, Master.”

His finger pumped deeper, but he was so gentle I whined, wanting the burn. Master chuckled, but it was a wicked sound. “And I bet you’re going to thank me so nicely when I’ve marked you and you’re leaking my cum?”

“I will.” Nodding, I tried to make sure I had words but they kept escaping. “I’m very polite, Master.”

Yes. I was polite.

Master agreed with me too because he made a low pleased sound and added a second finger. “You are very polite, pup.”

“That’s lovely, Master. It really is.” There was nothing better than the way fingers could burn and good just wasn’t the right way to describe something so perfect. “Sparks and heat and—”

And something else, but I lost it when his free hand spanked me, adding more sparks and pain to the mix.
