Page 47 of Kenton's Courage

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“I think having him see a shoot and understanding the energy would be good for us, though. He wants to help but I haven’t wanted to rush him, and now I think I might’ve been dragging my feet but I don’t know why.” Emotions were weird.

Eli shrugged and didn’t seem to think it was strange. “You’re nervous because he’d be seeing you in a very different situation. I think it’s perfectly reasonable to be worried about that.”


“So far, he’s only seen your pup one-on-one and you’ve probably just been talking about what a flirty pup you are. It’s different when he sees it in person.” Eli gestured toward where Roman had disappeared down the stairs. “With us, he knew all the interesting bits about me before we got serious. You’ve done it backward.”

Unfortunately, Eli had a good point.

Maybe a few of them.

But did I think Master would get weird about photo shoot pup time?

“He lets me hump his hand and his leg. He’s very good at that.” That had to mean he was open-minded. “Oh, and he gives the best dirty talk when he’s fucking me. He talks about watching me do naughty things with my pup friends. It’s really cute.”

Master had a very good imagination.

Eli perked right up and smiled. “Aww, that’s so great. It seems like you’ve talked about the important stuff, and if he’s tracking you, he knows you belong to him. I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”

He was usually right when it came to difficult relationship stuff, so I hoped his track record held up. “What should I do from here?”

Frowning, he cocked his head and started pacing around the room as he thought, making sure to give our watchers a nice show. Eli was very polite and liked making people happy even when they were slightly strange and nosy.

“Okay.” Nodding to himself, he stopped in just the right position so they could see a perfect view of his ass. “I’ll send out an email making sure everyone understands who the new guy is. Maybe have him come by to pick you up from work sometime this week? That way, it’ll get the gossip going, and we won’t have to do as much work on the communication front.”

Very good point.

“Then we’ll invite him to the next shoot. That should be late enough that he won’t miss out on work.” Shaking his head, Eli sighed. “Scheduling around boring jobs is difficult.”

I agreed but I was grateful he was such a good planner.

“Make sure he shows up early enough that you can walk him through the studio and introduce him to people before you get distracted.” Eli made it all sound perfectly reasonable.

He was so helpful.

“Then I get to have an inside tail? I don’t have to wear my shorts unless I need to model a new pair?” I should’ve talked to Eli about it earlier. I’d been suffering with an outside tail for no reason at all. “Oh, and I’ll make sure Master knows we have an audience so he can decide where to stand.”

I liked being watched, so I didn’t care…but Master might.

“Good idea.” Giving his ass a wiggle, he grinned wickedly. “But yes, the gear we’re doing this time is some new hoods and a new style of tail that’s supposed to be very waggy.”

Wiggling his eyebrows up and down, he looked naughty. “I’ll make sure you get the inside version for this shoot. I think it’s going to be amazing.”


We were going to have so much fun…once I remembered everything I should tell Master.

I might have to take notes.

That was harder than I’d expected, though, and I was still trying to decide what to tell Master as I walked in the back door. It was my turn to make dinner, so I started getting out the stuff to make pasta since that was what I knew how to cook best.

Having little friends was fun but it meant I’d gotten lots of practice making various types of noodles and nuggets but not a lot of other kinds of food.


That needed a list too.

By the time the water was boiling and I had a pan with onions and bacon cooking on the stove, I also had papers all over the table and several half-finished lists.
