Page 74 of Reject Omega

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“Hey!” Drake’s voice was a desperate hiss as he ran over.

I’d never seen him anything but controlled. His eyes were wide and his hair looked like he’d run his hands through it countless times. When he finally reached us, he put a hand on Hiro’s shoulder to steady himself and catch his breath.

I bit back a laugh at poor Hiro’s face flaming red. They would need to face the connection between them eventually.

“Vane’s back and he’s angry.”

“Of course he is.” I sighed. “Things were too peaceful around here.”

“He’s already sending for you,” he clarified. The words had ice surging through my veins.

There was no way I was going to be alone with that man ever again. I refused.

“He can fuck all the way off,” Hiro said vehemently. A grin broke out on Drake’s face at Hiro’s outburst, but I couldn’t manage one. I’d barely survived my last encounter with him.

“You have to come with me,” I told them. My entire body shook with tremors of fear, my stomach already in knots. “Don’t make me go alone.”

Nurse Drew opened the door and peeked out, rushing our way the moment she spotted us, with Dr. Bradley on her tail. Both of them were frantic, and I had a feeling Vane was already barking orders at the staff.

“You’re to report to Dr. Vane immediately,” Nurse Drew informed me, trying to take my arm, but Drake moved in front of me. I half expected him to turn into his demon form.

I glanced over at Hiro to make sure he was alright, only to find myself face to face with Roman now. His expression was harder, more stoic, it was an easy spot at this point.

“She won’t be going near him alone,” Drake informed her.

“That’s not up to you, Drake,” Dr. Bradley said in a snide tone. “Step aside.”

“No,” I said. “After he violated and tortured me, I’d say I have enough cause to refuse to be alone with that monster.”

“Uh, y-you, c-can’t,” Nurse Drew’s stuttered words made no sense and her face had gone ghostly white. I suspected she knew what was going on, but my blunt words were forcing her to face the truth head on.

“You can work that out with him then,” Bradley said, gesturing for our group to start walking.

Not caring if it made him uncomfortable, I slipped my hand in Drake’s, then Roman’s. I needed the comfort as I went to face the man who’d caused more damage in weeks than anyone had in years, and that was fucking saying something.

Not to mention I needed the physical help to walk that far. Getting outside had taken the wind out of me, and I hadn’t managed to recover yet.

Funny how five days of torture was going to take weeks, maybe months of recovery time to heal from.

The elevator ride was tense, but the two staff members didn’t bother to say anything else to us. It wouldn’t have helped.

The moment the doors opened on the fifth floor, we were met with screams and crashing.

“Someone’s throwing a tantrum,” Drake deadpanned as he tucked me in a bit closer to his side. I felt so stupid for trembling and feeling weak, but I couldn’t just shut off the pain and mental distress he’d caused.

“What is the meaning of this?” Vane demanded as they led our group into the office, throwing a fit just as Drake predicted. It looked like a storm had raged in here, furniture upended, papers everywhere, and more than one shattered picture frame. “You can’t even follow one simple direction you incompetent fools?”

“Oh no, they demanded I come alone, I refused,” I clarified. Vane’s lip curled as he settled his gaze on me.

“You,” he spat it like a curse. “Do you know what you’ve cost me?!”

His voice trembled with rage, but Drake took one step forward and he instantly quieted down.

“Do we need to have another private chat?” Drake asked calmly. “It seems you’ve forgotten our first one.”

“How dare you speak to me that way!” Vane seethed but it was half hearted at best now. “You three are dismissed, I’ll speak with Drake and Harlow alone.”

“Like hell you will,” Roman answered. “I already know your secrets.”
