Page 90 of Reject Omega

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We forged ahead, heading up the back stairs to the roof I hoped was demon free. When we reached it we both let out a collective sigh of relief.

We made it.

Rain pelted the rooftop like some cheesy horror film, but we didn’t hesitate to step outside into the storm. I had a job to do, and the last thing I wanted was to let the patients of Dark Haven die because I couldn’t believe in myself.

I’d learned quickly at Dark Haven that things weren’t always what they seemed, but somehow, I felt connected to this place, wanted to save the people who lived here, and preserve this home in some way.

It was honestly the only one I’d ever truly had. It may have started awful, and Vane ensured I was tormented only a few weeks ago, but the good here outweighed it.

I finally felt like myself and I had people who truly cared about me.

“What do I do?” I asked Drake in desperation as I let the energy pull me toward my gargoyle. The one who’d protected me that night. And as my voice echoed in the wind again, I knew he was the one who had been calling for me.

“Harlow.” My name was so much louder as I approached it, and my vision tunneled so he was all I could see.

Fractures had formed in the stone, and as I rested my hand against the cool rock I could feel it pulsing underneath.

He’s ready to be freed.

But how?

Calm swelled in my chest. It wasn’t my own but I embraced it nonetheless.

My hand instinctively raised the dagger, and I didn’t question what to do as I moved my hand from the stone and slid it over my flesh.

Blue fire didn’t erupt this time, only a sharp pain as blood blossomed to the surface.

Without hesitation, I slammed my hand down on the stone gargoyle, offering my blood to awaken it.

Lightning struck the rooftop at that moment, throwing Drake and me back. As darkness pulled at the edges of my vision, I watched the stone fall away and a huge creature stand in its place.

Drake grabbed my hand, his grip weak against mine, but I couldn't turn away from the beast in front of me.

Leathery wings, a dark gray body that looked as if he were carved from stone, bulging muscles, a shock of dark black hair, icy blue eyes, and claws that could tear any demon to pieces.

He was hauntingly beautiful.

“Close the portal,” I demanded. But I could say nothing more as the darkness won.

I’d done my job, now he had to do his.


Tuesday Night

Dark Haven Rooftop

My body ached from the brutal awakening but power pulsed in my veins. My dreams had been vivid lately, calling out to the omega I knew was mine.


As I burst from the prison, I expected to be met with fear. Yet she only looked at me with reverence.

For a brief moment, I wanted to tear the demon at her side away from her, but I stopped as she managed to speak.

“Close the portal.”

Her words had me running to the edge of the roof, taking in the fissure below, the portal already breaking free.
