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“That’s not why I came.”

I stop and turn to look at him. His brows are wrinkled in concern, but he doesn’t do what everyone else does and offer pity. His eyes are clear, but glassy. “I lost my parents when I was young too.”

The look we share is camaraderie more than anything else. An understanding. A dip of my chin is the only response, but I know he doesn’t need more.

“Come.” He holds out his hand. “There’s something I want to show you.”

He laces our fingers together and pulls me forward. The squeeze of his hand around mine is tender and sweet. None of this is going to make it easier to leave him.

Is that even what he wants?

I think back on his actions throughout the day and evening. He hasn’t done anything to make me think he wants this to be a one-night-only thing. But my life is complicated, messy. I’m not the sophisticated socialite he needs.

He turns and guides me up a staircase to a rooftop, a level above the one we were on before. He looks down at me and the flickering fire at the center of his eyes is undeniable in the dark privacy, under the open sky.

I could dismiss it earlier as the lighting, or my mind playing tricks on me, but… it isn’t natural. It’s the stuff of fantasy and fairytales. Mystical. Magic. Other.

Some part of me understands that he’s dangerous, that I should run. But another part of me, a stronger part, feels like being here with him is the safest place on earth. I feel as if my soul knows him, like this is fate.

“I didn’t plan on doing this yet, but it doesn’t feel right to keep it from you any longer.” Midas takes both my hands. “And I think you’re piecing it together already. My beautiful treasure. So bright.” He nuzzles his nose along the side of my neck. “If, after this, you choose to end the night, go home, and never see me again, I’ll accept that. It will…” He shakes his head and a muscle ticks in his jaw.

I get the sense that he’s trying not to tell me how hard it will be for him. I guess he’s wanting something more after all. My heart soars at the prospect.

He shakes his head and repeats himself more firmly, “I’ll accept it.” That fire in his eyes burns brighter. “But know this, unless you use your safe word, if you run, I’m going to chase you.”

I swallow, not daring to speak. The moment feels too heavy, too serious. He steps away from me and tells me to stand against the wall. Then his body starts to shift and change, growing, ripping the seams of his tuxedo. His face elongates, eyes darken, teeth sharpen. Silver and gold scales break out on his skin. Wings sprout from his shoulder blades and flap against the cold air, stirring up a wind that swirls around me, tugging at my dress.

I know what he is immediately, but I bite my lips to keep from saying it. He’ll honor that word, and I don’t want this to end. I should be shocked. Horrified. But I feel a deep sense of calm.

Tentatively, I walk closer, needing to touch him to know this is real. His head drops to the ground, like he knows what I want, or like he’s bowing to me. I’m not sure which.

I stroke my hand over the smooth scales along his back, circling up his long neck. There’s still a tuff of white hair on his head, so I reach out and brush my fingers through it. His nostrils flare and a puff of warm air surrounds me.

His eyes blink, the same eyes I’ve stared into all night. But bigger. Rounder. Darker.

Maybe I’m just in shock, but I don’t feel scared. I’m not even all that surprised. I think I’ve known there was something different about him since the first moment I saw him.

I should probably run. He’s massive and terrifying, but I can see it’s still him.

And I trust him.

Besides, I believe what he said about me running. He’d chase and catch me. I shiver, feeling something entirely different from fear.

Right now, I just want to look him in the eye and let him know I see him. And I’m not going anywhere. Not unless he tells me to.

But next time?

Next time, I’ll run for him.

Chapter 10

I’ve always loved fantasy stories, and gravitated most towards the dragons, the mythical creatures, even the villains. I didn’t wish for the prince to come and save me. I wished for the dragon to come and capture me. I wanted to be swept away from the stress and responsibility of my life. I wanted desperate, aggressive need. To be wanted obsessively. Passionately.

And right now, even amidst the shock and awe, I don’t once consider questioning what I’m seeing. This just feels right, like the answer to a question my heart has been quietly asking my whole life.

I should be fainting from shock, panicking, but it’s like something deeper than reason, deeper than my mind or my body or my heart, something in my soul accepts this, accepts him. And just wants to be with him.

He’s terrifying, massive, and dangerous. He’s also beautiful. The most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. Just as in his human form, he’s the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen.
