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After gathering up our things, I call Lennox, who’s at our apartment fifteen minutes later. I felt a little nervous to call him, like I would be imposing or something, but he seemed happy to come get us and not at all put out.

When he pulls up in front of our building, he smiles warmly at both me and Finley.

“It’s an honor to see you again, Ra’a,” he says as he opens the door for us. “And this must be your lovely sister.”

“Are you like his butler or something?”

Lennox laughs. “Of a sort. I owe him my life and the life of my family. I’m happy to serve in whatever manner he needs.”

“Uh, okay.” Finley slides into the back seat, and I try not to think about what Midas and I did in this car just a few days ago.

The ride over is peppered with Lennox telling us stories of all the different places he and Midas have traveled. I guess hundreds of years will give you lots of opportunities to see the world. I never thought traveling would be an option for me, but now, so many places pop into my head that I’d love to see. What would it feel like to fly there myself? With my own wings?

My thoughts wander while Finley and Lennox keep up the bulk of the conversation. I think about Midas and the choice in front of me. When he came home wounded last night, I knew I couldn’t let him go.

My heart needs Midas to be mine.

Last night also convinced me that the horde needs Midas. The attack happened because his brother bragged about his challenge. It was reckless and immature. Midas should be king. Not Cyrus.

Between my need for him and his people’s need for him, my choice is clear.

So now, I just need to figure out a way to keep him from dying or killing his brother during the challenge.

I’m so lost in thought that I’m startled when Lennox opens the car door. The drive went faster than I expected. Finley and I slide out, and I show her to the elevator.

When we walk into Midas’s place, Finley’s mouth drops open and her shoulder bag thumps to the floor.

“This is where he lives?” She spins in a circle in the living room, taking it all in. “Okay, I get it now. Maybe living with him wouldn’t be so bad.”

I chuckle at her change of heart. I would choose Midas even without the perks, but I won’t complain about the perks either.

I like to think I’m an independent woman, a good feminist, the kind of woman who wouldn’t just take a handout. The kind of woman who would turn down the offer to be a kept woman in a beautiful apartment on principle. That’s what all the girls in books do when the love interest offers to pay for something, or shower them with extravagance. They say, “No, no. I’m fine. I’ll figure it out on my own.”

Personally, I don’t have that much pride. I’m tired of trying to figure everything out on my own. Tired of Top Ramen for dinner three nights a week and scrambling to come up with the money for the activities Finley wants to do while still paying the bills. I want to give her more than that.

I’m not about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

If I can figure out a way for Midas to get out of this challenge, I’ll say yes to all of it.

Chapter 21

Finley and I don’t hesitate to explore the condo, and it’s going a long way towards winning her over. Just like I thought it would. She even picks out which room she’d take if we move in, although she tries to say it sarcastically in order to stay on the defensive.

Once I think she’s comfortable enough, I tell her I’m going to pop out and grab something from the bakery on the corner. It’s the best excuse I can come up with for leaving. She doesn’t seem to notice it’s a lie. Which is good because she definitely wouldn’t approve if she knew I was going next door to talk with a dragon. I almost laugh thinking about how ludicrous it would sound.

“Suit yourself. I’m going swimming.” There’s a glint in her eye as she closes the door to the room she picked so she can change.

I go into Midas’s room and freshen myself up, reapplying makeup and even changing out of my jeans and into a skirt. If I’m going to be the Queen of the Dragons, I don’t want to talk to one while wearing smeared eyeliner and wrinkled clothes covered in dog hair. I need to make a good second impression if I’m going to have a chance of this working.

Once I’m feeling a bit more confident, I head out. But as soon as my hand touches the front door, it swings open, revealing Midas on the other side. He frowns at finding me in the doorway, and his gaze moves over me slowly, like a predator looking over his prey.

I shiver under his attention.

He quirks up one eyebrow. “Going somewhere?”

“Um… the bakery. Thought I’d get us something for dessert.”

His eyes narrow, gaze piercing through me. “We don’t lie to each other, Jeslyn. Not you and me.” He stalks forward, letting the door close behind him, forcing me to back up. “I’ll ask you again. Where were you going?”
