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My body heats at his words and that fire in his eyes. I swallow hard. “We should wait.”

Midas growls. “I’ve waited all day.”

“Fuck, you two are disgusting. The least you can do is keep it to your room.” Finley turns on her heels. “I’m going back to the pool. Don’t be naked when I come back. That’s not something I want to see.”

One corner of Midas’s lip twitches. “She’s got fire.”

“She’ll need it.”

He hums as he kisses my cheek. “You burn brighter, Ra’a.”

In one fluid sweeping motion, he throws me over his shoulder and carries me up the stairs to his bedroom.

By the time we come back down for dinner, I’m so satiated from the two orgasms Midas gave me, I completely forget to talk to Jethro about how to stop the challenge.

Chapter 22

Midas is clearly a morning person, because once again the bed is empty when I wake up. One strike against him, but I’m willing to let it slide. I pad down the hall, looking for my beautiful dragon.

Finley ended up staying the night last night too, crashing in the guest room she’d picked out for herself after Midas let her have a glass of wine with dinner. The door is cracked open, but she’s still sound asleep.

I watch her for a moment, wondering how my decision will affect her. Midas could provide her with opportunities I’m not able to give her. Better schools, the art lessons she’s always wanted, enough food to satisfy the pit that is a teenager's stomach.

But this life might put her in danger. I can’t shake the memory of Midas coming home to me bloody, collapsing on the floor, weak and pale.

I don’t want that for my sister.

Continuing down the hall, I reach the stairs and hear a loud crash. I run, fearful for my dragon, but when I get to the bottom of the stairs, everything is quiet.

Until I hear Midas say, “I don’t want to fight you, Cyrus.”

I stop in my tracks and walk in the direction of the voice. There’s a small room off to the side of the kitchen. Well, small by dragon standards. The door is slightly ajar, and through it I can see a wall lined with books and a massive desk. Cyrus and Midas are out of view, but it's clear this is where they are.

“Then why are you lying to procure your throne?” Cyrus doesn’t sound angry. For once, he sounds confused, maybe even sad.

“I’m not lying.”

“She’s human,” he snarls. “She can’t be your Ra’a.”

“Dragons have mated with humans before. That’s why the goddess gifted us the pool. You know that, Cy.”

“But never for a royal!” His voice rises again. “The royal family has never been tarnished by a human. The goddess wouldn’t allow it.” He crosses in front of the door, and I shrink back. “She’s not worthy, Midas. You were desperate, and you found her attractive. That’s it.”

Another crash echoes through the space and shakes the walls. I step closer and peek through the doorway. Midas has Cyrus lifted off the floor by the throat.

“Don’t you ever speak of my mate that way again!” He roars. “She is your Ra’a and you will respect her!”

Cyrus’ words echo my own deepest fears. Not worthy. I want to agree with him, but Midas’s reaction makes me pause. He believes in me. He thinks I’m worthy of being Queen. His trust gives me the confidence to step into the room.

“Let him go, Midas.” I touch his back, and his shoulders immediately relax. He drops his brother, who gulps air now that Midas has released his windpipe.

“You shouldn’t have heard that,” Midas says. He looks pained, and his hands gentle as they cradle my cheeks.

I touch his arm and then step away. Towards Cyrus. I meet the gaze of the larger man. “You’re right, Cyrus. I’m not worthy of Midas or this life. I’m not sure if I’ll make a good queen—in fact, I’m terrified I won’t. But I love your brother, and the only way I can explain how quickly I’ve fallen for him is that he’s my mate. You don’t have to believe us. But I hope you do, because he’s telling the truth.”

Cyrus straightens to his full height and drags a hand down his rumbled dress shirt. “How do I know you’re not just after his gold? I did my research. I know the kind of life you come from.” His eyes narrow into a glare. “My brother has always had a blind spot when it comes to women.”

Fire burns in my gut. Possessively, I grab my dragon’s hand and lean back into his warmth. A low growl rumbles in his chest, a quiet threat to Cyrus. My body revolts against the fact that I can’t make the same warning noise. Involuntarily, I try, but it just comes out as an awkward, high-pitched squeak.
