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We break the surface, panting, still locked in an embrace. Somewhere below, I hear gasps and cheers, but I pay them no attention. I'm a feral beast claiming her mate. Still in the air, Midas bites down on my neck as he slams into me, hard. I roar fire up over his head, contracting my stomach to drive my hips forward. In two more wild thrusts, we come together again. Soaring into a second orgasm at the same moment. Feeling each other’s pleasure as well as our own.

After my first orgasm as a dragon slowly recedes, my body shifts of its own accord, and I fall, too exhausted to control the change. Midas swoops under me, catching me on his back before I hit the ground. As soon as his feet touch the marble floor, he shifts back into a man, wraps me in his arms, and kisses me.

When we break apart, my knees are weak, but Midas holds me up, never letting me go. He turns us to face the slack-jawed crowd. We gave them quite a show, seeing as how their expressions vary from awe to horror to outright lust. I don’t even have the energy to care.

“I present to you, Jeslyn Ra’a.” He turns us in a slow circle, making eye contact with each dragon in his horde. “Your Queen.”

Cheers erupt just as our turn lands us facing Midas’s grandmother and brother.

The woman smiles and dips her head. I get the sense that she knew all along we’d be fine and only seconded the motion because she could tell it’s what the horde needed in order to fully accept me.

Maybe Cyrus thought the same, but his expression is impossible to read. He looks almost pained, and I don’t think it’s because he lost the throne tonight. He could still challenge his brother, but he doesn’t. He stares at us for a long moment, then walks straight out of the temple.

Chapter 27

The celebration lasts well into the night. We eat and drink and when the drums start, Midas pulls me into the dance. Now that I’m recovered from the pool, my first transformation, and my first orgasm as a dragon, I feel stronger than I’ve ever felt.

The drums thrum through my body like the wild beat of my heart. It’s not just the sound though, there’s something magic about this dance. It floods me with fire and need until I lose all sense of time and place.

I am pure flame. Clothes come off. Inhibitions drop. Midas fucks me on the throne, and then carries me out of the temple, shifting the moment we’re out the door. I fly on his back for a time, letting the wind whip through my hair. It no longer feels cold. Every part of me is toasty warm.

When we’re way out over the ocean, I try to shift. It takes a few tries, but eventually I change and lift off my mate’s back and into the air on my own wings. I’m a bit wobbly at first, but Midas flies circles around me, showing me how to use my wings to turn and lift and drop lower. We fly fast, covering more distance than I thought possible. When I fatigue, Midas swoops under me, and I change back to my human form, falling asleep on his back as he continues to fly.

I wake up as he touches down on a small green island with a castle in the middle. He told me he was going to take me to one of his more secluded properties, but I never imagined something like this. It’s something right out of a fairy tale.

As he shifts and comes to stand beside me, I ask, “Where are we?”

“An island off the coast of Ireland.”

I grin up at him. “I’ve always wanted to come to Ireland.”

“I know.” He kisses my temple. “Your sister told me.”

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this man taking care of me, surprising me with how sweet he can be one moment and how demanding and erotic he can be the next.

Without warning, he swoops me into his arms, bridal style, and carries me over the threshold and into the castle. “Now that you’ve given in to me, Jeslyn Ra’a, I’m going to fulfill my promise.”

“What promise is that?”

“I’m going to make love to you.” He burrows his nose in my hair. “I’m going to treasure every inch of you for the rest of our lives.”

“Not always, though, right?”

He looks at me, puzzled, and I blush.

“I mean, sometimes I might still want… you know…”

“What is it, my queen? Tell me what you want.”

“You know exactly what I want.” I beat lightly on his chest, and he sets me down on my feet.

“Say it,” he growls, hands gripping my waist.

Channeling my dragon, I lift on the tips of my toes and bite his lip. “I don’t always want to be treasured and treated gently.” I drag my hands up his naked chest. “Command me, my king.”

His eyes blaze with fire as he growls, “Run.”

Epilogue: Cyrus
