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Two weeks after Jeslyn’s transformation, I stand in front of Midas’s door and try to work up the courage to knock. My brother has never been a forgiving man. But I’m still the horde’s scout and the Silver Horde has been breathing down our necks the entire time he was away. He needs to know about it now that he’s back.

I swallow my pride and raise my hand, but before my knuckles touch the door, it swings open. A girl stares at me with an annoyed glower. She’s got a backpack thrown over one shoulder and she’s wearing a school uniform. A short pleaded plaid skirt, white blouse, black tie, and fitted coat.

She’s beautiful, alluring, temptation personified. Standing there looking up at me with those big doe eyes she looks so goddamn innocent.

Until she opens her mouth.

“Who the fuck are you?” She demands. “And why are you just standing out here in the hall like a creeper?”

Her voice is harsh, conflicting with her soft, feminine appearance. But it tugs at something deep in my bones. I take a step back, needing to put some distance between us.

“I’m Midas’s brother.”

“Oh. He’s not back yet.” She waves her hand through the air and rolls her eyes with a look of annoyance. “I’m pretty sure he’s kidnapped my sister and locked her in some kind of sex dungeon.”

My body coils at her casual use of the word sex.

“She didn’t sound like she minded one bit when she called, though.” A laugh bursts out of her, but it’s more bitter than mirthful.

I want to hear her laugh for real, to see a genuine smile light up her face. I swallow and try to control whatever this strange draw is that I feel towards this girl, who’s apparently Jeslyn’s sister. “Did they say when they’d be back?”

She shrugs and steps out into the hall. I back away from her, and she gives me a strange look before shaking her head and muttering, “Whatever.”

I have the sudden urge to throw her over my knee and give her a sound spanking for her attitude. Instead, I step farther away and gulp. A looming fear pounds through my heart.

She walks towards me, forcing me to step backwards again.

“Are you gonna get out of my way?” She jabs her finger at my chest and the fleeting touch is like lightning.

I step to the side, realizing I was blocking the button to the elevator. “Where are you going?”

She wrinkles her brow and throws me a sideways glance. “To school.”

I close my eyes and pinch my brow. This can’t be happening. But the longer I stand here with her, the more convinced I become. I need to walk away, but I step into the elevator.

We ride down in silence. With each floor we drop, the tension in the air grows. Every time I look at her, I catch her looking back at me. Every cell in my body pulls towards her, but I keep my feet firmly planted.

By the time the elevator doors open, I know what I need to do. She steps out, and the hardness on her face softens just a little as she looks back at me. “Are you coming?”

I shake my head and swallow. Her gaze follows the movement of my throat. “I’m going to ride back up and leave a message for my brother.”

She shrugs. “Suit yourself. The apartment’s locked, though.”

“I have a way in.” She gives me a long look that makes energy zip down my spine. Dangerous. This is dangerous. I take one step, place both hands on either side of the elevator door, and lean forward, fighting my dragon instincts and forcing myself to stay put.

“How old are you?” I ask, my voice coming out a little too low.

I don’t miss the shiver that shakes through her or the way her pupils dilate. She holds my gaze. Brave little temptation.

“Almost eighteen,” she answers.

“Fuck!” I throw myself back and slam my fist into the elevator button to close the doors.

She scowls at me, flicks her middle finger in the air, and says, "Well, fuck you too, weirdo."

No. She won’t. Not for a long time.

When I reach the penthouse where my brother lives, I use my claws to pick the lock, then storm into his office, grab a pen and a piece of paper, and scrawl out:

I resign my post. I’m flying solo. See you in six years.

Six years isn’t that long. I just need to keep myself away until she’s twenty-three—of age by dragon standards.

Then I’ll return.

And claim my fated mate.
