Page 54 of Blood Princess

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“I never want to hurt you, princess.” I copied her movement, cupping her pale cheek, my thumb tugging the corner of the smile I loved so much.

I didn’t like that I couldn’t tell what she was feeling. There was love flowing through the bond, but she was holding something back.

I wanted to ask, until she placed a soft kiss on my lips, and completely distracted me with her taste.

I wanted to be inside her again, to kiss her as I entered her slowly, in that way that made her shudder and moan and move her hips so I’d take her deeper. It was one of the hundreds of things I loved about her.

“I need to relieve myself.” She laughed, her love for me shining between us. “I will be a moment. Wait for me?”

“Of course!”

I watched her go, her thick hair swaying around her, wafting a mix of our scents towards me.

I turned around, giving her some privacy, a huge grin on my face. It was finally happening. We were bonded; we were together, all four of us. We shared something so amazing and sweet that I almost couldn’t believe this was true.

I was going to love her with everything I had. I’d take her anywhere she wanted, make her things, buy her souvenirs, create beautiful memories as we explored the continent together. I’d keep her safe and happy, make sure she was always smiling and laughing in our arms.

I just needed to convince Valko to let me bite her. Once she agreed to a bite, we’d seal the bond for good. Not only in our hearts and bodies, but with our souls as well. She would have her own wolf inside her, that lived with her as ours did with us.

I wanted to see her wolf.

I’d never met another female. The other packs in the forest only sent males to relay messages. Females were scarce.

Just the thought that she was going to live with us in our den made me crazy with excitement. We’d have a proper home now, filled with her.

Valko often mentioned that he wanted to go north to the mountains and find the Alpha King, but we didn’t need that. None of that was important when we had each other. We could live in these woods, happy and free, until she was ready to travel like we planned, and we’d love each other forever and never be sad or afraid again.

I was bouncing on the balls of my feet, my arms wrapped around myself, dipping my chin as I squeezed myself, so happy that I didn’t know how to express it.

I suddenly yelled as pain whipped through me. I doubled over, almost falling as my body exploded, lightning strikes of agony shooting in my blood, covering me in darkness.

Ice cold emptiness ripped through me. Bending over, my hands pressed my stomach as I gasped in pain. Bile rose, acidic in my throat as tears fell from the corner of my eyes. My body froze, contorting as a strange buzzing filled my ears, working its way into my bones. My vision blurred, rough sobs tearing from me as I tried to control myself.

And then I felt it. A bright burst, like a scream echoing through me, the depth of pain and longing pounding in my heart. I shouted, begging it to stop. I couldn’t move; mouth open as my chest heaved.

Until I smelt the blood - her blood.

I groaned as I forced myself up. I lost control of my legs, stumbling towards the tree the princess had vanished behind.

I was losing my mind. All I could think about was her.

I had to…I needed to…

I reached the tree, trying so hard to focus, to push through the noise. The darkness crowded in on me, but I wasn’t letting go. I fell to the ground, the pain so intense I howled. I still pushed myself up on my elbows, forcing myself on.

I had to get to her. If something had happened, if she had been hurt…

I tore through whatever was taking me over, searching for the bond, trying to find her in the pain storming my body. It faded, and my eyes cleared enough that I could see where I needed to go.

“Princess...” I rasped, pulling myself along the ground towards the trunk of the tree. I used the roots to push myself up, and the trunk to help me stand, but I still felt like I would throw up.

I was too dizzy, close to passing out. I just needed to reach her. I had to see her. As long as I saw her and knew she was safe, I could breathe.

Another pulse hit me, this time filled with desperation. My head shot back as I screamed again, the agony blazing. Only my grip on the trunk stopped me from falling.

I gasped, my head dropping forward, focusing on moving with everything I had, trying to get to her. Lucien and Valko said the death of a mate was soul-destroying. I refused to believe this was it.

“Princess…” I croaked as I finally dragged myself around to face her. My stomach was shaking. I had to keep swallowing to stop myself from throwing up, heaving breath through my lungs, praying the buzzing would stop, that this would end.
