Page 15 of My Werewolf Outlaw

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“Probably, but I was too angry to hear much past the part where I learned Kai hates humans.”

Wine gurgles in a glass as Val pours, and her face is drawn with compassion. “Kai’s mother was killed in her wolf form by a hunter.”

I inhale sharply. No wonder he hates humans.

“Hello! Hello!” Charlie calls out as she lets herself in to my apartment. She enters the kitchen with her own shopping bags and pulls out ice cream containers. “What did I miss?” She comes over to squeeze me tight.

Val says, “Abby didn’t hear you tell her about Kai’s childhood.”

Charlie frowns at me. “I wondered why that didn’t seem to register.”

“I’m not sure it would have. It just reinforces the fact Kai hates humans. The only reason he’s with me is because his alpha made him.”

Charlie sighs as she walks over to the couch with a bowl of cookies and her wine. “You really don’t trust the true-mate bond, do you?”

“Oh, I believe the sexual chemistry part,” I state as I join her on the couch.

Val moves to sit in the chair near us, and Charlie says, “Ryan swore to me that Kai isn’t the kind of guy to destroy Life Shift. I don’t think he lied to you.”

“You don’t?” I recall how angry he was when I first saw him. “When we first met, Kai was not happy. He wouldn’t even talk to me. He didn’t even sound like he liked me when he told me that we were true mates.”

Val speaks over her mouthful of chips. “I imagine he was struggling with being intensely attracted to a human.” Val swallows her food. “But he accepted it.”

“Or he decided to use my attraction to him to get what he wanted.”

“I trust my husband, Abby.” Charlie grabs a cookie. “If he swears Kai is a good man, I believe it. Ryan’s gone to see Kai, so maybe we’ll get more information on what changed his mind.”

I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose as I remember how Kai tried to explain, but I wouldn’t let him.

“What is it?” asks Val.

I sigh. “Kai did try to explain. But I was so mad I wouldn’t let him talk.”

Val reaches out to touch my arm. “Oh, honey. You were hurt and thought you’d been betrayed. I think we all would have acted that way.”

I shake my head as I smile at Val. “You wouldn’t.” My blond friend takes in stray animals and people. She would have given Kai the benefit of the doubt.

“True,” Charlie states. “But not all of us are saints.” She pumps her eyebrows at us, and Val’s cheeks turn pink.

“You guys,” Val says, “I’m not that sweet.”

I tease back, “No, you’re not. Remember that time with the male dancers and those shots of tequila?”

Charlie and I chuckle as Val groans. “Stop. I’m still trying to get over the embarrassment I feel whenever I see a lime.”

I gulp down a mouthful of wine. “You shouldn’t. That guy had a lick-worthy chest, and you did us proud that night.”

“He gave you his number!” Charlie lifts her glass and tilts it toward Val. “Every woman in that place wanted to be you.”

Val’s lips turn up in a small smile. “He was into me, wasn’t he?”

“Girl, if you weren’t so concerned with finding your forever man, that dancer would have been a fun ride,” Charlie jokes as she reaches in her back pocket for her phone. She looks down at it. “Ryan said he spoke with Kai and he wants to know if he can come over to see you, Abby.”

I take a deep breath before I nod. I may not be able to fully believe Kai, but I do trust Ryan will tell me the real story. Maybe then I can make sense of who my husband really is.

The remaining wine in my glass splashes as I pour it down the sink. I want a clear head when I hear what Ryan has to say. I think about the expensive champagne in my fridge and wonder if I’m going to learn anything tonight that will let me drink it with Kai.

I watch Charlie and Ryan linger over a kiss when he arrives, and I sigh with happiness for my friend as well as hope that I’ll get to keep the same kind of love.
