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The brewing war will be dangerous and filled with struggle. I know that. Does Kari understand, too? I turn to her.

She nods. “You should. Mathias can’t be allowed to prevail. There’s strength in numbers, and the only way to win is to fight back.”

“Precisely,” Bram seconds, then raises his brow at me. “So?”

Though I worry about our uncertain future, I nod. “The cause is worthy and the battle necessary. I will.”

“And you?” Bram regards Raiden.

My twin snorts. “Someone has to keep him out of trouble.”

“Our bond was invaluable today,” I tell him solemnly. “Thank you.”

Raiden sighs. “I might have wanted you to fuck off, but not forever. We’ve done most everything together all our lives, including joining this world. We’re leaving it together, too. If you intend to join this conflict, I’ll follow.”

Relief fills me as I bring my twin close for a brotherly hug. Raiden returns the gesture with a hearty slap on my back.

“Will she Bind to you now?” he asks softly in my ear.

“I hope. Will you accept her?”

“If she makes you happy, I’m happy for you.”

“She does. You should seek your own happiness, too.”

Raiden pulls away with a tight, empty smile. “I’m afraid my situation is rather hopeless. See to your woman. I’ll confer with Bram and inform you later.”

I hate that my brother can’t—or won’t—embrace his own happiness, but perhaps time and love will reveal the path for him. “Thank you.”

Bram and my twin collect the remaining bodies, then disappear.

“What was that about?” Kari asks, smoothing her askew hair back in place.

“An understanding.”

“Perhaps we can have one as well?” Tynan suggests. “If you’re going to be a member of the Doomsday Brethren, we must learn to accept and trust one another.”

He’s right. After all, I’m the one who Called to Kari. She loves me and wants to Bind to me, not Tynan. I need to use my logic, not my territorial instincts.

“You will maintain proper behavior with Kari, I presume?”

Tynan laughs. “She will always be the little sister I never had.”

“And you’ll be the bossy big brother I never wanted,” Kari teases.

Their exchange is full of affection, not desire. Now that I’ve set aside my jealousy, that’s obvious.

The last of my worries eases away. “I sense we’ll need friends in the dark days ahead.” I stick out my hand.

“Indeed.” Tynan shakes mine, smiles Kari’s way, then, with a wave, disappears.

Finally, my mate and I are blessedly alone.

I have so many things to say to her. After coming too close to perishing today—and after nearly seeing Kari die—I refuse to let anything tear us apart again. I want her as my mate. I need her. My life will never be complete without her.

“Do you still wish to Bind to me?” I ask, bringing her close.

She cuddles into my arms, nuzzling my neck. “More than anything. But what about the curse? Do you still believe in it?”

“Whether some long-dead witch cursed the Wolvseys or not hardly matters. Ten minutes with you is far better than an eternity without you. Avoiding you to avoid the pain of losing you only hurts us both. Every moment we have together is precious, just like you. I love you. Will you Bind to me?”

“Yes.” She smiles, and tears of joy seep from the corners of her eyes. “As I become a part of you, you become a part of me. Each day, I will be honest, good, and true. I heed your Call. ‘Tis you I seek. From this moment on, there is no other for me but you.”

Rightness settles between us. I’ll never let anything keep us apart again.

“For one cursed, how did I get so lucky?” I ask, then press my mouth to hers for a kiss. “How did we get so lucky?”

“You’re not cursed, and we’re not lucky.” With a mischievous smile, she pulls at my shirt until she tugs it free from my body and drops it to the ground. Then she does the same with her own. “We’re fated.”

* * *
