Page 23 of Bond & Mate

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I pull Mahalia close to me, our bodies pressed tightly together on the forest floor. It’s as if our physical closeness is the only defense we have against the invisible menace that surrounds us. The emptiness and fear that had gripped me moments ago start to recede, replaced by a surge of adrenaline and urgency.

As I hold her tightly, I can feel her heartbeat racing, matching the frantic rhythm of my own. Our breaths come fast and shallow, synchronized with our shared fear and determination to survive whatever is assailing us.

Mahalia’s presence is a comforting anchor in the midst of this chaos. Her warmth, her scent, the feel of her trembling against me, all serve as a reminder that we’re in this together. And as strange as it may seem, the more she clings to me, the more the darkness around us seems to dissipate.

My heart pounds in my chest, not just with fear, but with something else—something I can’t quite put into words. It’s a powerful, primal connection, one that transcends the immediate danger we’re facing. Despite the uncertainty and the invisible threat, I find myself holding onto Mahalia as if she’s the lifeline that will guide us through this ordeal.

“What are we going to do?” Mahalia whispers gently, her whole body trembling. “Is it still here?”

“I don’t know. But I do think we need to stay like this.”

I don’t want to let her go, I don’t want her to leave my side ever. For someone I couldn’t stand being in my office not so long ago, I can’t believe it’s become this where I can’t let her go. We remain entwined on the forest floor, our heartbeats gradually slowing as we cling to each other. The fear lingers, but it’s no longer paralyzing. Instead, it fuels a newfound determination.

I press my lips against her forehead, offering what little comfort I can in this strange and perilous situation. “We’ll wait here, Mahalia. Keep holding onto me. If it returns, we’ll face it together. Although… it’s really starting to feel like it’s gone now. I don’t know about you, but I can’t feel it anymore.”

Mahalia nods, her fingers gripping my shirt as if I’m her anchor in this bewildering storm. It’s an odd sensation, knowing that she once despised me, and now she clings to me for protection and solace. In the midst of the unknown, I find myself appreciating the connection that has formed between us, even if it’s born out of circumstances neither of us would have chosen. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most unexpected bonds can emerge in the face of adversity.

We wait in tense silence, our senses on high alert, ready to confront whatever unseen danger lurks in the shadows. But as the minutes pass, the invisible threat remains elusive, leaving us in an eerie stillness, wrapped in each other’s arms.

Mahalia slowly turns to face me, her gaze locking on mine, and in that moment, the chemistry between us bubbles to the surface. The weight of the recent danger we faced still lingers in the air, but there’s an undeniable connection that pulls us together. It’s magnetic, overwhelming; there’s no way we can keep apart however hard we try. Not that we’re really trying because I don’t think either of us want to battle against this any longer.

As our eyes meet, a silent understanding passes between us, as if we’re both acknowledging the undeniable attraction that has grown between us, despite the tumultuous circumstances of our meeting. Without a word, she leans in, her lips softly meeting mine.

The kiss is a mix of emotions—desire, longing, and the shared experience of fear and uncertainty. It’s a kiss that speaks of a connection formed in the face of the unknown, a connection that neither of us expected or planned for, but one that makes me feel so on the edge of desire, I could erupt like a volcano.

Our lips move together, the intensity building as we lose ourselves in the moment. It’s a powerful, magnetic force that draws us closer, erasing the lines that once separated us. In this strange and unpredictable world, Mahalia and I find solace and passion in each other’s arms, a spark that refuses to be extinguished. Somewhere in my distant logical brain, one that’s severely depleted of its blood source, because it’s all traveled to my cock, I know I should stop. Again, I keep thinking that this is a terrible idea, but the noises that Mahalia has started making demands that I don’t end things this time, and that I continue. Fine by me.

I roll Mahalia over on her back, my hands running all over her as I do. I can’t believe how badly I crave this woman’s body. My hands caress her skin as I trace the elusive contours of her body, loving the involuntary shivers from Mahalia as her breath hitches, spreading so much warmth through me that I don’t think even the iciness of the Rift monster could affect me here. I kiss her again, our tongues dancing in union as we explore every crevice of one another’s mouths. I’m breathless, aching for more.

I want to know how Mahalia will react as I slide my eager fingers up her top. She moans, but not because she wants me away from her. Judging by the new arch in her back and the way goose bumps pop up along her skin, she wants more, so much more. The desire seems to be spreading through her like wildfire, just as it is for me.

My lips find the soft skin beneath Mahalia’s ear as my hand finally cups her breast. Being able to tug and tease her nipples and seeing the direct effect it has on her body is mind-blowing. I don’t think I have ever craved someone else as much as this before. I know she’s a temptation that I shouldn’t succumb to, but I also know I can’t stop myself. Not now. I’ve gone too far.

Plus, I know Mahalia doesn’t want this to end. With her eyes sparkling with a desire that inflames my entire body in pleasure, as her hands edge down my chest, brushing over my taut muscles as she heads to where I’m absolutely aching for her. It doesn’t take long before she slips her fingers into the waistband of my underwear, causing my entire body to stiffen with anticipation. But by the time she takes me between her soft fingers, our lips crash together once more, and our kisses become more frantically urgent. I shift my weight, positioning myself between her legs, aligning our bodies as the passion intensifies between us. But her panties are in the way, which is frustrating and exhilarating all at once. The sensation of Mahalia underneath me is sending me insane.

My kisses turn possessive, my teeth occasionally nipping playfully at Mahalia’s lips, surging a mix of pleasure and pain through her. But I can tell by her little squeaks that she loves this, which is really exciting. I want to explore this side of me more. Every brush of her body against mine sends electrical currents bursting through me, as if our connection is charged with an almost unbearable intensity.

I edge my kisses down her body, nipping little parts of her skin as I go down, smiling to myself as she continues to emit noises of ecstasy that absolutely send me wild. My head is spinning, I’m drowning in bliss, I don’t think I’ve ever been as dizzy as this before. I don’t think I’ve ever been this consumed with pleasure.

“Oh, Maddox,” she moans as I pinch her lacy panties between my teeth. “What are you doing to me?”

She’s writhing, desperate, needy. I can smell that all over her which is just too much. I pull her panties down, keeping my eyes fixed on her the whole time. I want to see her, really see her as I expose her to me in a way I never would have imagined while I was behind my desk and she was on the other side. Now, I don’t know how I did it because she is so sexy, so stunning I can’t drag my eyes off of her. She is everything to me in this moment.

I toss her panties to the side and start kissing up her thigh, my cock hardening in my pants, as I get closer to where I can sense her throbbing for me. The wetness of her pussy is crying out for me and I can’t wait to taste her. As I nudge her thighs apart with my nose, I inhale her deeply, breathing in her delicious, fruity scent. Shit, all I want to do is devour her before I lose myself completely.

First though, just because I don’t want to overwhelm her, I press my lips lightly to her clit. But even that alone is enough to have her crying out with bliss. Calling out so loudly that if there are any monsters around us I’m sure they will all be drawn closer to us. But I don’t care. I can’t, not when she’s driving me this wild. The next time I run a broad stroke of my rough hot tongue all over her, tasting her more. The more she soaks my tongue, the harder my cock becomes. I worry I might explode already. I’m feeling ever closer to the edge and it’s intensely exciting…

“Oh wow…” a voice interjects, shocking both me and Mahalia out of our trance. “What the hell is going on here?”



“Lars,” I whisper, seeing him standing in front of us, shock registering on his face. Now this is embarrassing. He’s already walked in on me and Kit hooking up, and he probably knows that I kissed Vaughn too. Plus, him and I had an almost moment before… What must he think of me now hooking up with Maddox? I don’t know what to think.

Just because he has a super cheeky smile playing on his lips, doesn’t mean he isn’t judging me.

“I was worried about the pair of you,” he murmurs as he makes his way over to us. I’m very aware right now that I don’t have any panties on, and that Maddox is between my thighs, but Lars is completely unencumbered by the weight of this. He’s coming for us no matter what. “I thought you might have been sucked up by the Rift or something. But it seems like the Rift isn’t open, wherever it’s hiding in this forest right now. Instead, you’re here, like this…”
