Page 39 of Bond & Mate

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In a seamless and almost magical transition, my beloved Maddox, Lars, Kit, and Vaughn undergo a transformation that never fails to amaze me. As they shift into their wolf forms, I’m reminded of the incredible duality that resides within each of them—a balance between their human and wolf selves.

Maddox, with his sleek silver fur, exudes an air of wisdom and strength. His eyes, now those of a wolf, gleam with an unwavering determination to protect and cherish our newfound bond.

Lars, the steadfast and loyal, bears a coat of rich chestnut brown, a reflection of his unwavering commitment to those he holds dear. His gaze, though now that of a wolf, conveys the same warmth and devotion I’ve come to cherish.

Kit, the enigmatic and passionate, boasts a coat of dark, midnight black. His eyes, sharp and piercing, reveal a hint of the wild spirit that resides within him, a spirit that mirrors his untamed heart.

Vaughn, the enduring and loving, is a magnificent blend of grays and whites. His eyes, filled with tenderness and affection, convey a deep and abiding love that knows no bounds.

As they stand before me in their wolf forms, a powerful sense of unity washes over me. I feel connected to them on a level that transcends the boundaries of the human world. Together, we embark on a new chapter of our lives, one where love, tradition, and the wild spirit of the wolf converge.

With a shared glance and an unspoken understanding, my wolfen companions take off into the forest, their powerful strides carrying them away with an air of boundless freedom. I watch them with a heart filled with love and admiration, knowing that our journey together has only just begun.

As I stand there, watching the majestic sight of my four beloved wolves vanishing into the depths of the forest, a secret stirs within me, one that fills me with both joy and anticipation. A soft, knowing smile graces my lips as I hold my hand tenderly against my belly, where a new life is slowly taking shape.

The baby growing within me is a testament to the love and unity we now share as a pack. It’s a symbol of our future, a future that holds promises of both adventure and devotion. My heart swells with excitement as I think about the countless experiences we’ll share as a family, and the unbreakable bond that will connect us all.

The men may not yet know the news I hold close to my heart, but when the time is right, I’ll reveal our little secret. Until then, I bask in the warmth of this moment, cherishing the love that surrounds me, and eagerly await the days to come. Together, we’ll face whatever challenges life throws our way, and I can’t help but feel that our future is destined to be as extraordinary as the love we share.

My God, life is wild, isn’t it? Life really has been crazy to me. But I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world, everything that I have been through has brought me here, and that’s made me the happiest woman alive. That wedding might have come at me as a surprise and a lot of it was in an ancient language that I don’t know, but that hasn’t made me any less happy.

I really do feel like I’m floating on cloud nine now, and excited to see what will happen without the threat of the Rift ever affecting us again.
