Page 107 of Face Your Demon

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The awareness seeped into his pores. He hadn’t bothered to turn on the lights. No need. His vision was almost as good as a shifter’s in the dark. His sense of smell was almost human, but his vision was far superior. He let his gaze sweep to the left. To the right.

Then up, to the second story. His bedroom. The faintest of creaks reached his ears. Someone was up there.

Someone had picked the wrong demon to screw with.

He took the steps three at a time. Moving fast, but not making a sound. The bedroom door was open, just as he’d left it days before. The bedcovers were wrecked. He could see the mess through the door. Not the way he’d left the place. He caught the movement of a shadow. His uninvited guest.

Mouth tight, he launched through the door and attacked.

Their bodies collided and the intruder stumbled back. He followed, going in for the kill and?—

And her breath feathered over his cheek. Her scent—wild, sexy—filled his nostrils and he knew, he knew even before he saw the wild curtain of black hair that his intruder was Jana.

He caught her before she could hit the floor. He yanked her up close, held her tight, then they fell together onto the bed.

His mouth took hers. Had to. His tongue thrust past her lips and drove deep into that sweetness that he’d missed. Her body was soft beneath his, but her fingers were strong on his shoulders. Her legs had spread, and he thrust against her, shoving his jeans-clad legs between her thighs.

She tore her mouth from his. “You’d better know who the hell I am.” Anger there.

And he realized that, to her, it was pitch black in the room. “Baby, trust me, there’s no forgetting you.” The anger was there, boiling just beneath the surface for him, too, because she’d scared him. “Where the hell have you been?”

Her fingers dug into his shoulders. Growling, he grabbed her hands and pinned them against the mattress. “Jana, why did you run? Where did you go? Why did you leave me?”

“I came here.” Her breath feathered against him. “To you. I thought I’d be safe here.”

The rage left him at those simple words.

“You were safe with me in New Orleans.” He kissed her again. His tongue swiped over her lips. Into her mouth. “You shouldn’t have left,” he rasped. “Do you know how fucking crazy I was?”

“The cops were there.” Her voice was just as soft as his had been. Hushed in the darkness. “I couldn’t let them take me in. I couldn’t.”

“You’re not going to jail.” He wouldn’t let it happen.

“Zane, I?—”

“You’re not.” He kissed her once more even as his hands went to the snap of her jeans. They’d talk more. He’d tell her about Beth and the cops and the plan he’d already set into motion but for now—now if he didn’t have her soon, his control would shatter.

He unsnapped the jeans and jerked down her zipper. Why couldn’t he get enough of her? Why was he so desperate for her?

Jana’s hands were on him. Moving just as greedily as his own. She shoved up his shirt, and her nails scored his flesh.

He heard the thud of her shoes as they hit the floor. His followed right behind them. She lifted her hips, and he yanked the jeans down her legs. The scrap of lace—sexy panties—disappeared with her jeans.

His fingers pushed between her folds. Found her warm. So warm. He eased his finger inside her and she was fucking tight. Her cream began to coat him as he stroked her, getting her ready, because she had to want him as much as he wanted her.

Her hands pushed between them. Then she was the one yanking at the button of his jeans and pulling down the zipper.

When she tried to touch his cock, Zane stopped her. “Can’t, baby. too close.” Because he was about to explode. He shoved off the bed. Zane grabbed the condoms out of his nightstand and went back to her.

She stripped off her shirt, but kept on a black bra that cupped her breasts so well. Her dark hair spread out on the pillow behind her. His fallen angel.

He sheathed his cock, rolling the condom quickly into place. He caught her ankle and pulled her toward the edge of the bed. Zane leaned over her and took another taste. His mouth pressed against her sex, his tongue licked over the tight button of her need, and he tasted that rich cream and her sweet core.

She shuddered against him. A ripple that he felt right at his mouth. His tongue pushed into her.


His fingers worked her even as his mouth took and took. Not enough. Not even close. Not?—
