Page 56 of The Omega Princess

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“What happened between the two of you?” I couldn’t help but ask.

He sucked on his cigarette, thinking about it. “I think it was just too much for both of us. We made each other crazy. He has this thing about him. I don’t know if you’ve noticed? Where he makes you want to do things for him that… well, it’s like, you don’t even want to do them, not for you, but it doesn’t matter about how you feel anymore. You don’t care about yourself. You just, you know, care about him. You want to make him happy. You don’t want to hurt him.”

I felt uneasy. Hadn’t I just been thinking this same thing? That I thought I probably wanted Rohan and Maguire to also be my alphas, but that I didn’t want to hurt Devlin?

Sinclair shrugged eloquently, eyeing his cigarette. “Maybe he doesn’t do that to you, but—”

“No, he does,” I said softly.

He looked up at me, bringing the cigarette to his lips. He blew out smoke slowly. “Right, well, he does to me, too. Except my alpha doesn’t take well to it. My alpha just rebels when that happens.”

“You talk about your alpha like it’s not you.”

He shrugged again.

I was done with this cigarette. I wanted to put it out, so I dropped it and stepped on it.

He came over, swooped it up, and tucked it into his cigarette box. “Habit to pick up after myself,” he said.

“Right,” I said. “I didn’t mean to leave a mess.”

“You’re fine, sparrow,” he said.

They were fond of making little names for me, weren’t they, these alphas? Sweetling was nice, and I didn’t mind the way Maguire called me princess. But this bird thing? I wasn’t sure about that.

“You want to get out of here?” he said.

“Yeah, I’ll go find Devlin, and—”

“I mean, with me,” he said.

“Oh,” I said. “Just the two of us? Together?”

“That’d be the idea.”

“Where would we go?”

He considered. He was still smoking his cigarette. “I have a place I’d like to take you.”

Curiosity spiked through me.

“Yeah? You’ll come along?”

“Yeah,” I said.

“Excellent,” he said. He put out his cigarette, tucked away the butt, and then, he offered me his hand, palm up.

I drew in a breath and then placed my hand in his. It tingled when we touched. My body felt strange—too warm or maybe too cold. Part of me screamed at me to pull away, but I also knew I wasn’t going to end up doing that.

He smiled down at me. “Don’t worry. I’m not going to hurt you.” He shrugged. “Or if I do, I swear you’ll be begging for it.”

That was somehow not entirely reassuring.

He led me through the corridors of the building and out a back door. There, parked next to a black security van was a motorcycle. He went over to it, took the helmet off, and offered it to me.

“Of course you have a motorcycle,” I said. “Of course you do.”

He ran a hand through his dark curls, a little sheepish. “Like you don’t want to ride off on the back of the bike of a guy like me. Like you haven’t fantasized about it.”
