Page 10 of Shadow Mate

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“Unknown. The Sisters were delivering Gemma to Sean and Winter. It was decided having Adriana that close to Strode was dangerous and so they spirited her out of Ireland and brought her here.”

“Here? Interesting.”

“Not necessarily. As you pointed out, Strode has tested our defenses and found them not to his liking. Besides, whether they want to admit it or not, the Sisters know she will be safe here, but they also want her hidden away. I told them we could offer her shelter and protection for a few days or indefinitely. I hope I didn’t overstep.”

Colby waved his hand. Winter would never have asked, nor did he suspect, would Brie. Thinking of his mate made him smile. “No, Hamish, you did the right thing. The girl is safe? Comfortable?”

Hamish nodded. “Aye, Alpha. You seem awfully happy about having another mouth to feed and another reason for Strode to take a run at us.”

“We put his minions down the last time; we will do so again if need be. How do the Sisters plan to move her, and do we know to where?”

“As usual, the Sisters are being rather tight-lipped. All I know from Hayden’s sister, Caye, is that they are working on it and will reach out with plans.”

Colby’s smile was slow to come and a bit malevolent. “No. Contact Caye. Tell her I will only release the witch into Brie’s custody. Brie is free to hand her off to another, but the girl is under my protection. They can collect her from Windsong.”

Hamish chuckled. “Somehow I think this has more to do with you getting your hands on Brie than protecting the girl.”

“Not necessarily. I will see that the girl is kept safe, but if Brie wants her moved from Windsong, she can come and fetch her personally.”

“It would seem that your mate will not be able to push you off so easily. Leaving a man’s bed in the cold light of dawn is unseemly.”

“Unseemly is the kindest word I would assign to it. No, I will have my mate here. This time I don’t intend to play fair.”

“That’s the spirit,” said Hamish.

There was a gentle knock on the door, “Alpha?” asked Donny as he opened the door.

“Come on in, Donny. What’s up?”

“The witch wants to see you.”

“The woman’s name is Adriana, and she is a guest here at Windsong. Do you have a problem with that?”

“Not really, but she’s kind of spooky.”

“I would imagine she has not had an easy life. She was turned against her will, and now, she’s part wolf-shifter, part witch. Can’t have been easy on her parents or any siblings. Show her in.”

Colby stood up as Donny opened the door to reveal Adriana Mulroney. Her Irish ancestry was evident in her coloring with black hair and startling blue eyes.

“Ms. Mulroney, I am…”

“I know who you are, lynx-shifter.” She turned to Donny. “You may go.”

With the way Donny shifted his frightened countenance to Colby, Colby suspected ‘spooky’ didn’t begin to cover it.

“Go on, Donny. Adriana and I will be fine.”

“Yes, run along, Donny. Did you know that once a witch knows your name you are far more susceptible to her spells?”

“Enough, Adriana,” Colby growled, startling her. “I’ll be fine, Donny, and Ms. Mulroney will not be casting any spells here at Windsong.”

“Won’t I?” she challenged softly. “How can you be so sure?”

“Because the Shadow Sisters would never endanger Windsong. It has been a sanctuary for those they help and for some of them as well. I know those who lead the Sisters; they would not endanger this place or my people by asking us to take someone in who would threaten us. I am alpha of Windsong. My people—including you at the moment—are under my protection. Go on, Donny.”

“If you’re sure, Alpha.”

“I am.”
