Page 12 of Shadow Mate

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“I’m afraid so.”

“Damn it. What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know that it’s wrong…”

Brie growled low in her throat. “What’s Colby done now?”

“You know, it’s kind of funny that you know it’s Colby. He believes that Adriana is unsafe anywhere but Windsong…”

“Of course he does.”

“He may have a point. Strode made a run at Windsong and got put down hard. My guess is that Strode will wait until he’s sure of a victory before making a second try, which gives Colby and the Resistance time to shore up any weaknesses in their defenses.”

“I get the sense that you aren’t telling me something.”

“And that’s the part you’re not going to like.”

“Let me guess—Colby believes a meeting between him and the Shadow Sisters with maybe the Resistance thrown in needs to happen in person at Windsong. And by the Shadow Sisters, he means me.”

“You know him well.”

“Sometimes, I hate it when I’m right,” she groaned. Taking a deep breath she continued. “We know where Kyra and Scott are, right?”

“We do.”

“Good. Get hold of Kyra, and Annie as well. Tell Colby I will agree to come to Windsong, but only if Annie and Kyra are present. Maybe between the two of them, they can keep the mighty lynx-shifter in line.”

“I hate to bring this up…”

Brie knew what was coming. “Then don’t.”

“Yeah, that’s not how it works between friends, and you’re my best friend. You’ve told me you believe he’s your fated mate.”

“And your point is?”

“That you deserve a little happiness. You deserve more than a cave high up in the mountains.”

“You just don’t like the cold.”

“I could deal with the cold; it’s your self-imposed isolation I don’t like. Just because your mother was unhappy and your father was a douche, doesn’t mean you’re somehow destined to have a shitty life with men. You told me your father kidnapped your mother, forced the bonding, and that your grandfather didn’t contest or force the issue. They weren’t fated mates. And while I’m on a roll, I’m going to take Colby’s side for once—he’s done nothing but support the Shadow Sisters and our work and asked nothing in return. He spotted the rise of the Shadow League long before anyone else and made sure we were prepared.”

“I’ve never said he wasn’t a good man.”

“But not good enough?”

“That’s unfair,” Brie snapped. God, had Caye finally succumbed to Colby’s charms?

“Maybe, although I’m not convinced of that. But it’s kind of beside the point. Being unfair does not make it true. Or look at it this way—what more could we accomplish if you were mistress or even beta at Windsong? Think of what we could do with all that money and intelligence.”

“He has a beta,” Brie grumbled.

When she’d first learned Winter would be leaving Colby and Windsong, she’d wondered, just for a moment, if that might be a way for her and Colby to be together and for her to extend the protection and the reach of the Shadow Sisters.

“According to Annie, Hamish is stepping down. He and Trudy are going to work with the geneticists and members of the devils’ community to see if they can’t stave off the extinction of their kind—purebred and shifter alike. Annie believes there will be a place for you at Windsong. I’ve always believed, even when Winter was there, that he would have made a place for you.”

“If I’m going to be perfectly honest, I’m not sorry Winter is gone.”

