Page 26 of Shadow Mate

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Both women nodded, finished their breakfasts, and then went to get their bags. They used one of the smugglers’ tunnels under Windsong to get down to the boat and stow away below deck. The captain showed them into a nicely appointed seating area.

“Why is it I don’t think your Colby uses this boat for fishing?” laughed Adriana.

“First, he isn’t my Colby…”

“But he wants to be. If I thought I had a chance with him, I’d be doing everything in my power to take him from you.” Brie felt herself bristle. “And while I might take on the leader of the Shadow Sisters, it would do me no good. The man only has eyes for you. He will settle for nothing less.”

“He’ll have to if he wants to secure his legacy at Windsong.”

“Are you daft, girl? He’s already given up that legacy. Scott Hardaway is alpha now, with Kyra as his beta. It is their progeny who will rule at Windsong long after the likes of you and I are gone.”

Brie sat silent. What Adriana said made sense.

“Can I tell you about one of my gifts as a witch? I have the uncanny ability not so much to see into the future, but to see into people’s hearts and minds. I know when they’re being genuine, and I know when they’re lying. I’m practically a human lie detector.”

“And what do you see?” asked Brie.

“That neither of you will ever know true happiness until you have put aside your differences and the past and made peace with each other.”

“You don’t know…”

“No, I don’t,” agreed Adriana. “But I see what I see. The two of you belong together in this life, just as you have in past lives, and as you will in future ones. Your destinies—fates if you will—are bound together.”



Earlier that morning, before he joined Adriana and Brie, Colby had asked Kyra and Scott to join him before everyone started playing the elaborate shell game of ‘where’s the pea.’ Only instead of walnut shells and a dried pea, it was various planes taking off and landing while Colby and those with him slipped away to the mainland on a fishing trawler.

Kyra wrapped her arms around her older brother, relieved to know he was not the gangster she’d feared he was.

“I never should have believed you,” she said. “I should have known better.”

“If you had, you would have been in danger and Colby would never have been able to do all he’s done. I started going over the notes from the Resistance. To say what you’ve done is impressive is putting it mildly,” said Scott.

“Keep in mind we still have a mole…”

“You really think it’s Will, the marten-shifter?” asked Kyra.

“I think so too,” said Scott. “It looks pretty conclusive.”

Colby nodded. “He’s under close observation. I need to trust you two with information that only Hayden and Deke know.” He paused, looking at Scott.

“You won’t be coming back to Windsong, will you?”

“Of course he’s coming back to Windsong,” Kyra said, looking at her mate before turning to Colby. “Tell him. Tell him he’s wrong.”

“He’s not. Things are coming to a head. We’re going to get Strode. It’s only a matter of time. When he’s gone, we can begin to dismantle the Shadow League and anyone else who is playing the wizard behind the curtain. I need to be closer to the action—that means the UK. The Resistance has all it needs here and is well organized.”

“You can’t just abandon Windsong,” cried Kyra.

“I’m not. I’m leaving it in the best hands possible,” he said softly, taking her hands in his.

“Not Hamish. He told me he’s leaving with Trudy to try and help her kind, and you can’t mean me. Enlightened as our people are, they’ll never accept a woman as alpha…”

“They will if…” started Scott.

“No. Kyra is right, and even if they would, Kyra isn’t suited for it and would not be my choice for alpha.” He looked directly at Scott. “But you would. You are a known quantity. You are my sister’s mate, and you’re far better suited to being alpha than either Kyra or myself.”
