Page 43 of Shadow Mate

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“I thought about it, but as it concerns another member of your pack, I thought I would ask the favor of you and let him decide for himself.”

“That’s not much of a favor given our past track record. What do you need?”

“Not what, who. Your doctor.”


“Yes. We’re going to be ramping things up, and I have no medical staff or facility. I know he’s a trauma and battlefield surgeon. More than that, I know how good he is.”

“This is the Resistance, isn’t it.”

It wasn’t a question and only required acknowledgement of what Halsey had already surmised.

“Not quite, but down the road we most likely will be in the thick of it.”

“Any reason you haven’t reached out before now to those of us in the Lower Forty-Eight and the rest of North America?”

“We aren’t ready to go global. I’ve got some irons in the fire, and having Greg here would give me great peace of mind.”

“I’d hate to lose him, but I can tell you he’s been itching to get into the fight, and so have a lot of others. I think you’ll find you and the Resistance have a lot more support than you think. I’ll ask Greg, and one of us will get back to you. But unless I’m very wrong, I’ll get him on a plane and get him to… wait, where are you?”

“St. Piran’s Abbey in Cornwall. I’ll send you the geo-coordinates.”

“Good enough. I’ll call you later and let you know when to expect him. Take care of him, Reynolds.”

“You know me, Halsey. I always do.”

He’d hung up relieved to know that while he might not have the staff or the entire medical unit set up, at least he now had the chief medical director for his people here at the abbey.

“Colby? What are you doing standing over there by the cold window?”

He turned and grinned at her. “I’m plotting the most diabolical things.”

“Oooh,” she purred and lifted the covers up to reveal her naked body. “In that case, why don’t you come back to our warm bed and tell me all about them?”

He joined her in their bed, but very little talking was done.

Later that morning, the small strike force gathered together. Colby’s plan was relatively simple—dangerous, but simple. They would fly in low on stealth helicopters, jamming any electronic detection devices Strode might have. They would land and disperse into the manor house. It was a full-on strike, and they didn’t mean to give their enemies any notice or show any mercy. Their objective was twofold: rescue Adriana and kill Strode.

“What’s the rush?” asked Winter. “And how are we going to ensure Adriana isn’t killed or used against us?”

“I got a call this morning from Cullen Manchester. Strode is off his game. He thinks he’s got us beat. He’s located another celestial key. He needs both a witch/wolf hybrid and the celestial key to make his masturbatory dreams of world domination come true. He’s also got to tie it to the cycle of the moon. His window to pull that off is closing. Cullen also said his mate, Salem, who is also a witch/wolf hybrid, had a dream last night. She believes Adriana did some kind of astral projection and showed Salem her location in the house.”

Hayden nodded. “I know this may be a little woo-woo for those of you not used to dealing with paranormal creatures, but it’s real. When Colby described what Salem had seen, I was able to pinpoint her location. The arrogant sonofabitch put her right where he’d had Fallon. I’ll lead the contingent that goes after Adriana…”

“Don’t forget we need to find her mate, if he isn’t with her, and kill him,” said Colby, quietly. “Brie, I want you to go with Hayden. Adriana knows you and knows you will ensure her safety.”

“I prefer to stay with you. Send Caye; she knows Adriana even better than I do.”

“Normally, I would want you at my side, but I’m going after Strode. I need a hellhound to take him apart and banish him to the shadowlands.”

“Bring him back here,” Brie argued.

“Too dangerous. We need to kill him and let Caye do her hellhound thing. You know how, right?” he asked, looking at Caye.

She rubbed her hands gleefully, a feral look taking over her face. “I do, indeed.”

Colby chuckled. “How did I miss how truly dangerous the Shadow Sisters were?”
