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“I can, but I don’t have any supplies here.”

“Then let’s get you some.”

Oliver whipped the sheets off his body and leapt to his feet. He was grinning from ear to ear.

“Don’t give me that look,” Lillian teased, working her hair into a ponytail.

“What look?”

Lillian scoffed, then approached the mirror to fix herself up. She had some makeup in her purse and could use her fingers as a brush, but she’d needed a change of clothes. She didn’t want her boss to notice the blatant walk of shame when she arrived at the studio.

“There is a certain piece I am working on that I want to get back to,” Lillian said, pulling on her socks and picking up her purse. “Maybe I’ll come back later, and I can bring some supplies. If you play your cards right.” She winked at him.

Oliver approached her, still fabulously naked, then hooked her chin up to look him in the eyes. It was one of those overly romantic gestures that made Lillian’s heart flutter wildly.

“Maybe?” he whispered.

“Yes, maybe,” she whispered back.

The smile dwindled, and he returned to the solemn leader she’d met that night at the masquerade.

“What about Ronnetta?”

“Oh, Oliver.” Lillian took his hands into hers. “Please don’t make her follow me around again. I like her and everything, but I don’t need it. Plus, my boss, Berline, is a cougar shifter. She can take care of me. I swear to you.”

“Hmm.” Oliver’s eyes narrowed. “I’m fine with that. I had one of my people look into her background to see if there was any connection to Uziel. There isn’t, so I trust her.”

She was touched by both his consideration for her needs as well as his conviction to protect her. It made him astronomically more sexy.

“Thank you,” she whispered, rising on her tiptoes.

Their lips met, and her body relaxed. How could she ever want to stay away?

“Text me when you get to work,” he said.

“I will,” she said, smiling ear to ear.

Lillian managed to make it out of the estate with enough time to return to her apartment to change clothes and clean up. Her mind was floating, high on her time with Oliver, and thus didn’t notice the man leaning up against the wall of her building as she pulled into the driveway.

“God, you smell disgusting.”

Uziel stood there, his face distorted with revulsion as Lillian locked her car. He startled her from behind, and she spun around, her back against the car.

He didn’t look like the type of man people would guess was into stalking women. Though there wasn’t a type for such matters, it was still surprising when someone first laid eyes on him.

He was generally a good-looking, fit guy in tight polo shirts and wind-swept auburn hair. But the eyes inside the sockets were dead and remorseless.

"What the fuck do you want, Uziel?” Lillian snapped at him. “Didn’t you get enough injuries when you lost the fight at the masquerade the other night?”

He snorted. Lillian slowly raised her purse to her other hand as Uziel began to ream her, spitting obscenities and accusations in broad daylight.

“I can smell him all over you. If I knew you were such a gold-digging, power-hungry slut, I wouldn’t have been so adamant in my pursuit,” he snarled, raising his finger close to her face. “Oliver, that fucking alpha, isn’t that right? I can smell him all over your body.”

Lillian ripped out a purchase that she had made on the way back home. She told Oliver she would get it and was glad that she had followed through on her promise. It was a large can of bear spray that worked not only on the average bear but on bear shifters as well.

“What were you saying, asshole?” she seethed vehemently at him.

Uziel took a step back, his face still warped in fury. Lillian walked toward the entryway to her building.
