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In a no-nonsense voice, Oliver answered. “The doctor said to leave it on.”

Her eyebrows rose. “I’m well aware. Calm down.”

He smiled lightly. “I’m sorry. This whole thing has me in an uproar. I was so afraid I was going to lose you …” His voice trailed off, and he rested his head in his hands. The weight of his anguish was evident.

Lily leaned over and placed her hand on his knee. “Come get up here with me?”

He lowered his hands and looked at her. The thought of causing her discomfort with his massive body on the tiny bed had him shaking his head. “There’s not enough room, Lily. You need your rest.”

“Please? I’d feel safer with your arms around me.”

Before he could answer, a nurse came in to check her oxygen levels and remove her mask. With orders to inform staff immediately if her breathing became difficult, the nurse left, and Lily returned her gaze to Oliver’s face.

He found her plea hard to ignore, and before long, he was trying to squeeze onto the little bed. Once they found a semblance of comfort, he pulled her against him. She felt so right next to him. They fit together perfectly. After a few minutes, she turned to face him. The lines from the mask left red lines on her cheeks. He found it endearing.

“Tell me about her,” Lily said quietly.

Oliver knew immediately that she meant Kenzie, and he tensed. “Why?”

“Because I’m curious about your past and the woman you loved.”

It took him a long time to answer. He wasn’t sure he was going to give her the rundown of his story, but as he looked at the bright green pools of her eyes, he could deny her nothing.

“Kenzie and I were together for years. High school sweethearts. Even after we graduated, we had these grand plans of running off together and eloping. She was my everything, and we were crazy about each other. We weren’t fated the way you and I are. It was different, but I loved her.”

He sighed, deep in thought. “One night, we went to a bar. It was snowing that night. I wasn’t drinking, she was. I told her I’d drive her home. It was late. 1:14 in the morning.” He chuckled wistfully. “I remember looking at my watch right before I left.”

Then he sobered again, feeling his shoulders tense. “She was drunk, and her friends were there. She refused to leave. I was exhausted, and it turned into a fight. I ended up leaving her at the bar with her friends.” Oliver looked down, remembering it all as if it were just yesterday. The guilt still weighed heavy on him. Lily took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

“So what happened?” Lily asked gently.

“They got into the car and drove home and … never made it. Everyone in the car survived but Kenzie.”

“Oh, Oliver. I’m so sorry. But that wasn’t your fault. They made their own choices.”

“I should have stayed or insisted she leave with me. I got angry and left her there drunk, and because she had no way home, she got into a car with a drunk driver and … and she died.”

“They could have called a cab. They knew the repercussions of doing something stupid like that. I’m sorry, and I sympathize with your pain, but you can’t hold on to that. The bartender not taking their keys is more responsible for what happened than you. How can you blame yourself for that?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know, but I do. She was my responsibility.”

“Maybe. But she made her choices. Her death wasn’t your fault, and you need to stop blaming yourself. You need to let go and love again. Tragedy can’t be avoided, but love is a gift.”

“Love.” He repeated the word and gave her a small smile. “What does it mean to you?”

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and snuggled closer to him. “Well, in this instance, I feel like we’re moving so freaking fast. But I’ve never in my life felt with another man the way I feel when I’m with you. I don’t know how to explain it. Everything with you is different.”

She laughed a little. “I know that’s so cliche, but it’s true. I’ve never felt this way. I know I’m human, and I don’t have that fated mate sense, or at least, I’m not supposed to, but everything with you just feels right to me.”

He smiled at her. Even though she didn’t have a shifter’s abilities, she sensed their connection on some level, and that was more than enough for him.



For being in a hospital bed, Lillian slept soundly. When she woke the next morning, she felt sore but well-rested. Looking around the room, she was surprised to find Oliver gone, replaced by Ronnetta.

Ronnetta smiled. “Good morning. Glad to see you’re feeling better.”
