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A little taken aback by the direction the conversation was headed, Oliver nodded. “Yeah, quite the collection, actually. Would you like to see it?”

“Yes! I’m an artist myself, you see, and I’m absolutely obsessed with art. I’d love to see what he’s got.”

They walked into the hallway. To get a better look, Lily finally pulled off the black mask she had been wearing. His breath rushed out of his lungs at the sight of her unobstructed face. She was even more beautiful than he had imagined.

He resisted the urge to grab her and kiss her. It took all his willpower to hold himself back. His bear was eager to taste her.

He watched Lily ooh and aah at the paintings and statues that Callum had decorating his home. As she stared at a colorful masterpiece over the mantle for a long moment, he felt the same pull he felt earlier.

“Are there any more?”

Oliver hesitated. “There are,” he said slowly. After another thoughtful second, he nodded. “Yes, come with me.”

He took Lily’s hand once more and led her to the back of the house which was usually off-limits to partygoers. Callum’s private collection was something he valued greatly, so Oliver decided to use great care while showing Lily what else Callum had in store.

They walked through the mansion until they reached a windowless, well-lit room. Display cases that always reminded Oliver of a museum were carefully placed around the room, paintings lined the walls, and statues on white pedestals drew the eye to the fine stone lines of each figure.

She gasped as she walked in. “Oh, my God,” she gushed. “Wow. Is that a … Holy shit! It is! He has a Monet on the wall!” She made a beeline for a large painting filled with pastel colors.

To Oliver, it looked like every other piece of art he’d ever seen, but she was in awe as she stared, mouth slightly agape. To him, it looked like a toddler could paint half the stuff he saw in museums. It just wasn’t for him. But Callum loved his collection, and it appeared Lily did too.

He watched her move from piece to piece, never touching, just observing. Even when she looked in the glass cases, she kept her hands at her sides, and he realized she didn’t want to get fingerprints on the flawless glass. Callum would be appreciative.

“Wow, this is so incredible. Come look at this.” She walked over to a statue and pointed. Oliver moved closer, in awe of her enthusiasm. He loved watching her. “That’s a piece from the ancient Aztecs. They carved stone, see? And a lot of their statues were of their deities. I can’t believe he has this.”

She looked up, meeting his eyes, and a crimson color crept into her cheeks. “Oh, God, I’m so sorry. Am I boring you to tears? My friends always tell me how freakin’ lame I am, and I get so carried away.”

Oliver moved closer, not finding her boring in the slightest. In fact, if he found her any more intriguing, he was fairly certain he’d explode. He was so turned on by her excitement over the art collection that he could barely contain himself.

Without giving it much more thought, he grabbed her around the waist and planted a kiss on her mouth. Instead of pulling back as he expected her to, Lily wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

She moaned against him. “I want you,” she said when they finally broke apart.

His hands began unbuttoning her blouse, and she reached to pull his shirt over his head.


Ignoring his bear as best he could, he undressed Lily quickly. There was nothing in the world he wanted more at that moment than to have her naked and pliant underneath him.

Oliver tightened his grip, pulling her closer. Whatever this strange connection was, he was willing to explore it further. He had to have her. His desire was insatiable.

It stood to reason that once he had her, she’d be out of his system. His bear could go back to his normal behavior. All they needed was this one wild, passionate night with Lily.



Lillian's fingers fumbled as she reached under Oliver's shirt and tried to pull it over his head. She wanted him naked and on top of her. She wanted to feel him inside of her, hot and hard.

His chest was rough and warm against her fingertips as she traced the lines of his muscles, and the sound of fabric ripping filled the room. She couldn't wait any longer. With a final tug, she managed to get the shirt over his head, leaving him in nothing but his black boxers.

Her lips found the scar on his collarbone for a tender kiss before trailing down to his chest, nipping at his sensitive skin. He groaned in pleasure as she wrapped her arms around him, holding him close.

She could feel his heart racing against hers, and it only ignited her desire more. He was perfect … strong yet gentle, experienced yet eager to learn what she could teach him about herself.

Her mouth trailed kisses down his neck and shoulders, tasting the salt from his sweat. Oliver groaned softly, leaning his head into her touch. His muscular chest glistened in the dim light.

Lillian ran her hands over his core, feeling every ripple and contour. She pulled him down onto her, their bodies pressing together tightly. The floor was cold under their combined weight as she wrapped her legs around his waist and arched her back, inviting him in.
