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“He did,” I say. “He does. And I know you swore never to speak or write his name, and that revealing it might cause your death, but… I’m asking you to do this. I’ll beg on my knees if it will make a difference—threaten you if I must. I’ll do anything. He thinks you hate him, but you don’t, do you? You made that vow, not because you were ashamed of a bastard half-Elven son, but because you wanted to protect him.”

My emotions are leaking through my tone now, but I don’t care… I’ve proved I can restrain them, and that will have to be enough.

Fingers grip my arm, and at first I think it’s a warning, but when I glance over, Bede is looking at me with a wild light in her eyes. Her fingers are moving. Sign it. He can sign the name to you.

“Fuck, yes,” I breathe. My gaze snaps up to Rupert’s father. His eyes are glowing with suppressed emotion, and he rises from his pillow, nodding.

“I can sign it,” he says tersely. “If you know Elvensign.”

“I do,” I reply, nodding at Bede. “I taught it to her.”

“And you’ll free my son. You swear it? You will let nothing stop you until he is free?”

“I swear before the goddess, either he will be free, or I will die in the attempt,” I say.

“You will need a disguise, as you said.” The auburn-haired woman with the mortar and pestle rises from her spot. “It will need to be a powerful one, deeply layered to avoid any enhanced forms of detection the King’s sorceress may have put in place. We can prepare the charm tonight, and it will be ripened by tomorrow. We’ll need a feast afterward, to replenish the energy we spend.”

“I’ll see to that,” says the Elder with the green hair. “Chalcis, will you take Axidor to the vault? It can rest there until we arrange for it to be properly displayed for our people’s enjoyment.”

“Of course, Oleth.” Chalcis accepts the sword and hurries away, holding it reverently.

“May I help you?” I say impulsively. “With the feast? I’m rather a good cook. After I have Akos’s true name, I would be honored to help prepare food for all of you, as a way of showing my gratitude.”

Oleth looks surprised, but he nods. “Very well. Argelos can show you to the kitchens when you’re done.”

“Lord Argelos?” I glance at Rupert’s father for confirmation.

He nods. His face is a bit more relaxed now.

“Ah, the business of true names.” Lannau hops up, off her cushion. “It’s much less dramatic for a full-blooded Elf. Using our true name allows someone to command us for one request only, after which they may never speak the name again. Most Elves employ that power by mutual agreement, on their wedding night.” She winks at Enthel.

“Off with you,” says Oleth, with a faint smile. “You two have become far too human during your sojourn outside this haven. And you’re weary—I can see it. You’ll bathe in the waters of the Alsynrush and renew your spirits. These two must be alone for the revelation of the name.”

The Elders and our guides leave the room. I squeeze Bede’s hand briefly in thanks before letting her go as well.

We stand awkwardly in the amber and golden glow of the room, Lord Argelos and I, until he seats himself on a pillow again and gestures for me to sit across from him.

“Where did you learn Elvensign?” he asks.

“From some neighbors of ours. Their daughter could not hear, and the family used it to communicate. I’m not sure where they learned it, but I picked it up from them because I wanted to be able to talk to their little girl. I suppose the goddess knew I would need the knowledge someday.”

“Indeed. But not every human would have taken the time to learn the language, even if the opportunity was presented to them.”

I think that’s a compliment, but I can’t read his expression. “I had a question about the use of true names—how it works after I free your son.”

“For a Half-Elf, once the bond is broken, the name may not be used again by the former master. But anyone else who knows the name may create a new bond.”

“So when I free Rup—I mean Akos, he becomes bound to me?”

“He does. But you may nullify the bond by giving him one primary command—telling him to be his own master in everything, and to obey no future orders from you.”

“But if someone else learns his name, they could bind him again.”

“They could. But I won’t be giving them the name, nor, I trust, will you. And I also trust that you will keep yourself out of situations where you could be tortured, thus forcing him to reveal it again.”

“Wait, now I have to stay out of dangerous situations and potential torture scenarios?” I say dryly. “That’s asking too much. I’m not sure I can agree to those terms—I’m such a fan of being tortured, you know.”

The corner of Argelos’s mouth twitches. Barely. “We all have our burdens to bear.”
