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I come hard for the third time, my body tingling all over, breathless whimpers escaping my lips. Rupert growls his delight against my sex, caressing every trembling, pulsing bit of my pussy with his tongue. Then he rises on his knees, takes his cock in hand, and slips inside me.

I moan faintly at the slick, sweet rush of his entrance, at the solid, comforting fullness of him.

“This is so good,” I murmur. “Everything with you is so good.”

He braces himself over me, his blue eyes shining in the low light of our bedroom. There’s a cocky smirk hovering over his mouth, but his eyes are tender. “I knew it would be good with you, from the moment I tasted your muffin.”

“Pervert,” I whisper.

“Goddess.” He nuzzles into my hair, then kisses my cheek before meeting my lips with his. He pumps slowly at first, shifting gradually into a faster rhythm. His dick doesn’t vibrate, but he knows every bit of me inside and out now—he knows exactly how to angle himself to score that final, thigh-shaking orgasm. He’s working toward it now, his lower lip pinned between his teeth and his blue eyes fixed on my face with a hungry adoration that thrills me to my core.

I always wanted a husband and a family, alongside my business and baking. But I never realized how beautiful it would be to have someone who knows me so intimately, so thoroughly, and takes such pride and pleasure in making me come for him. He likes to surprise me in dark corners and closets and take me quickly against the wall. Sometimes he bends me over counters when we’re alone, or corners me in the barn to fuck me against the door of a stall. There’s familiarity with him, but there are surprises too, and that’s the best part about us. Comfort and security, yes—but adventure, too.

The wonder of the unexpected.


She’s close. Her lovely face is flushed, her lids heavy, her lips swollen and parted. She blinks, dark lashes curtaining those beautiful eyes for a moment. Then she looks up at me, and my heart clenches for the ferocity of my love for her.

She’s so wet for me. As I thrust into her, I feel the strength of her body, the slick of her passion, the tightening of every muscle as she shudders on the edge of orgasm. She feels so good I never want to stop fucking her, and yet I want that pinnacle, that climax, for both of us.

When I glance down at her breasts, half-covered by the towel, it’s over. They’re huge, gorgeous, moving so temptingly with every thrust—the sight of them finishes me and I groan, tensing and spilling my cum inside Juliette. But I manage to deliver two more firm thrusts, just enough to tip her into the chasm of her own pleasure. She gives the cutest little yelp when she comes this time. The fourth one is always her last, and the least intense, but it’s what she needs to be fully sated. And one of my life goals is to thoroughly satisfy my gorgeous wife as often as I can.

She would say that’s not a real life goal. I beg to differ.

I rock my hips against her, enjoying the last tremors of her orgasm. Still inside her, I lean down and kiss her mouth while she’s breathless and panting. I love her in all ways, but especially like this—dazed and undone.

“You’re the best thing that ever happened to me, Juliette Wetheris,” I whisper, with a light kiss to her forehead.

She reaches up, lays her hand on my cheek. “Same to you.”

Our wedding night was one year ago… the night our daughter was conceived. On that day, Juliette wore a silk dress and a pair of heeled shoes with pink ribbons—my gift to her. And when I took her family name as mine, my father was there, standing among the few guests who witnessed the occasion. He didn’t stay the night, but after the ceremony he gave Juliette a beautiful golden hand mirror. “I have the mate of this set,” he told her. “With these mirrors, we’ll be able to speak to each other now and then.”

I couldn’t help laughing, stunned by the realization that my father approves of my wife… likes her better than me, perhaps.

We thanked him, and he nodded coolly before taking his leave of us.

We haven’t told him about the baby, but now that we get to be a family, we can contact him and let him see her. I think he’ll be happy for us. Not that we’ll be able to tell.

Thank the goddess I broke free of that way of life.

Just for the hell of it, I kiss Juliette’s mouth again. “We only have a few guests, and they’re all asleep. What if you and I go down to the kitchen for a midnight snack?”

Her face lights up. “Oh yes! But… the baby…”

“You know I can hear her if she wakes. Come on, love. A celebratory midnight feast? A bottle of wine?”

She’s already pushing me off her, sitting up, reaching for her clothes.

I chuckle. “Good to know where I stand. You’re done with my tongue and my cock, so you have no further use for me, eh?”

“Oh, I have use for you.” She gives me a saucy little smile. “You’re good for opening wine bottles, carving up chickens, training horses—that sort of thing.”

“And making babies.”

Her eyes soften. “Yes, and making babies. We made such a beautiful one, Rue. I’m so glad we get to keep her.”

After gathering everything we need from the kitchen, we return to the room with a tray of snacks and wine. And before our celebratory feast begins, we peek into the room to admire our daughter—the tiny, delicate, adorable creature that expanded my heart to twice its size the moment I held her in my arms.

There is a magic in love, far greater than the spell I used to turn straw into gold. And it shimmers in the air tonight, a fragrance sweeter than any I have ever known.
