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Her expression changes instantly. The shift is so dramatic that I begin to suspect her complaints and demands are not true to her nature. She’s putting on an act, though I’m not sure why.

“Don’t strip another captive,” she exclaims in a softer tone. “There’s no need for that. Just—find me something. Perhaps one of the other prisoners has a spare cloak. Or I suppose I could fashion the overskirt of my gown into some kind of temporary clothing. It’s back in your cave.”

“We’ll go fetch it then. Rothkuri should have finished cleaning up your mess by now.”

“Rothkuri—that’s the blue dragon you spoke to on the way here?”

“Yes.” I don’t tell her what else Rothkuri said to me… that he licked his captive and she liked it immensely. He said the more he did it, the more agreeable she was to the idea of remaining with him. His story was the reason I licked the Princess’s backside earlier. But the act did not seem to have the same effect on her as it did on Rothkuri’s girl. Perhaps I licked her in the wrong place.

“I’d rather not be toted around in your claws,” says the Princess. “Is there a place on your back where I could safely ride?”

I lower my body to the ground. “You may look and see.”

She approaches me, places her bare foot on my foreleg, and hoists herself up to peer at my back.

Tough as they are, my scales are pressure-sensitive, and the light weight of her foot on my leg sends an unexpected shiver through me. She’s touching my neck, too, bracing herself, one small hand splayed over my scales.

Somewhere near the root of my tail, I feel a low, pulsing thrill, and my cock nudges at the slit that conceals it.

This isn’t what I feel when I need to piss. It’s an altogether different sensation.

“I think there’s a spot between two of your spikes where I can sit and hold on,” says the Princess. “I’ll try to climb up.”

She’s going to sit on me, astride me, with those delicate genitals pressed right against my scales. Another ripple of sensation passes through my body—a richer, heavier thrill, and my cock swells inside its concealment. If it grows much more, it will emerge from the slit on its own. That’s an embarrassment I can’t afford.

I rise abruptly, and the Princess tumbles off my leg onto the grass. She looks deeply perturbed.

“I’m carrying you in my claws,” I tell her.

She crosses her arms over her bare breasts. “No.”

“You cannot refuse me. You are not in control here.”

“You stole me from my city at a moment of crisis,” she retorts. “I don’t know the fate of my friends, or any of the good people in the palace, or my mother—” Her voice cracks a little. “You owe me the dignity of being transported the way I prefer.”

Grief swallows me up, a cataclysmic tidal wave overwhelming any softer emotion. I lunge for the girl, teeth bared, and I loom over her like the menacing monster I am, like a thunderous mountain of rage. Her face goes white, but she does not cringe, not even when I speak to her in my darkest tones, my jaws a mere breath from her face.

“Your kingdom used to hunt my people, years ago,” I growl. “For that alone, you deserved the carnage we wrought upon your armies. As if that wasn’t enough, your Supreme Sorcerer killed the grandmother I adored, on whom I counted for advice. He killed my precious sister, without whom my brother and I are utterly lost. He stole my Promised, the warrior dragon who would have been my life-mate. She was more beautiful and powerful than a worm like you could ever be. You and yours have not only doomed my entire race, but ruined my happiness forever. I owe you nothing. You are nothing.”

It’s true. She’s a mere mouthful for a creature of my size. I could open my jaws now, nip her into them, crunch her between my teeth.

She stares at me, her chest heaving with terror. But then something changes in her face—her eyes grow softer, warmer. Carefully she places her hand on my nose, right between my nostrils.

For a second I’m frozen. Anchored and paralyzed by that gentle hand.

She doesn’t apologize for what her people did to mine. She only touches me, as if that’s enough.

It is not enough.

I recoil with a snarl and scoop her up in my front claws as I take to the air.

When we return to the cave, two small chunks are missing from the nest, and the stone floor has been freshly washed.

I drop the girl into the nest. “From now on, if you need to relieve yourself, you will do so in this.” With a claw, I drag a shallow clay bowl from the back of the cave. “I will dispose of your leavings as needed.”

“Where do dragons relieve themselves?” she asks.

“Sometimes off the edge of a cliff. Usually in the ocean or in some private hollow on the ground, where we can bury it.” I lie down across the mouth of the cave with my back to her. “Clothe yourself.”
