Page 11 of Rotten to the Core

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If my guard is occupied, I suppose I’ll have to take care of the other threat in my vicinity myself. I grin and extend my hand to Rhea, wordlessly inviting her to come closer.

She does, naturally. Easier to murder me from up here.

“Tell me about yourself, Rhea.”

She’s likely going to lie through her teeth, but to every lie, there’s a little truth. I’m oddly eager to uncover hers.

Teeth clenched, she lifts her chin. “Why would I? You’ve said nothing but lies for the last hour.”

I chuckle. We have that in common. “I’ve not lied to you once. Indeed, you now know more of the workings of my realm than any other soul from Allea.”

“Omissions, then. They’re just as bad as lies.”

“Oh? And you’d tell me every single thing about you if I asked?” I smirk knowingly. I’m not the one hiding here. “Where are you from?”

“Allea,” she retorts spitefully.

I can see myself lowering her across my lap and lifting her skirts, before spanking her. If it had been any other day than today, I would have. Instead, we’re playing at being civilized things for the time being.“Come, let us be at peace. You can ask me any question and I’ll answer honestly, if I get the same courtesy from you.”

Her eyebrows shot up. My offer intrigues her. “You would?”

I shrug. Unlike her, I have nothing to conceal. “I’m a man of my word, darling Rhea.” The endearment crosses my lips with too much ease. And she is such a darling, this treacherous beauty.

She takes a moment to consider my offer. “I’m from a northern village, close to the southernmost border of Nyxar.”

And then I understand why she’s here. Her village was likely massacred, like so many in both Allea and Nyxar alike, and she believes me responsible.

“Your turn. Tell me why you invited us here, when all trade, all communication has stopped for twenty years between our kingdoms, and there’s talk of attacks every other day.”

She doesn’t mince her words. I pat the arm of my throne. “There’s nowhere else for you to sit here, but make yourself comfortable if you wish.”

She hesitates. “I’ll stand.”

I quell my disappointment. “You know why our kingdoms no longer communicate. Your Kind King,” I say, venom lacing the title he crowns himself with, “considers us responsible for the death of his babe, with no proof whatsoever. He led his armies against us. We pushed back and closed the borders.” I pause, weighing my words. “But the beliefs of one man don’t have to dictate the fate of an entire kingdom. Those who come up here as friends are and have always been welcome in our land. I invited the nobles of Allea back into my land for the sake of preserving the hope of peace.”

I can tell she doesn’t believe a word out of my mouth. If anything, they make her angry, challenging her beliefs in a way she’s so uncomfortable with, she rejects everything I say. “Is that so?”

“It is.” No point in insisting when I’d be talking to deaf ears. “Your turn. How old are you?”

She seems on the younger side, but it is impossible to tell for those descended of elder blood. I stopped aging before my thirtieth year. One of her kind, when feeding well, could live forever just as she is now, never earning a single wrinkle.

My cock stiffens at the thought of feeding her all of the sustenance she needs.It’ll be my distinctive pleasure.


“Twenty-one,” I echo. Her answer mirrors my thought, yet it’s bewildering all the same. I can’t even recall most of my twenty-first year, as over nine centuries have passed since.

“How many lovers have you had in your twenty-one summers, Rhea?”The question crosses my mind and is then out of my lips, unbidden.

Whatever the number, it’ll be pitiful. She’s not had any experience at all. I’ll delight in teaching her so many wicked things.

“That’s two questions, one of them rather unproper, sire.” She lifts her chin, cheeks flushing in both embarrassment and anger. “How many didyouhave?”

Tiny kitten with cute little claws that she is, she’s put out at my intrusiveness.


Her eyes widen and her pretty, plump lips part.
