Page 56 of Rotten to the Core

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I will him to fall off his horse. I can see it. He's a good rider, astride a calm mount, but I see him shift the wrong way as we speed through the lightening kingdom, tangle his foot in the stirrup and fall backward the next time the horse jumps. I want it. I can almost taste it…

Alrion turns toward me, brows furrows, like he's been called, though no word crossed my lips.

And the next second, he crashes with a deafening sound.

I gasp, aghast.

Until this moment, I didn't believe Vessorian, or Lark, or Doryn. Oh, I'd accepted I was a succubus—the evidence was too overwhelming. But that didn't mean I had the power they seemed to think I possessed. But there's no denying the fact.

Silver dismounts to check on Alrion as he sits up with a wince, her eyes flashing at me.

And no wonder. I could have tried just about anything else, but my instinct was to hurt one of them.

I don't know why I'm suddenly ashamed.

“I’m fine,” he assures Silver. “Well done, Rhea.”

I look away. I can’t bring myself to apologize, but I certainly can’t glare at him right now. He might have hurt my feelings, but he hasn’t harmed me. A fall off a horse could have been dangerous.

My eyes dart to the king. Doryn's eyes shine in the light of daybreak.

Since yesterday, we've left the evernight land. It's not quite bright, but there are flashes of reds and purple in the sky, like the first signs of dawn in Allea.

The king looks strangely more beautiful in the light of day, taking my breath away. Shadows dance around him, clinging to his every step, and making him seem illuminated by an inner light.

Using darkness attracts light to us.

I didn't believe him when he'd told me in the dungeons. Now the only certainty is the fact that I don't know anything at all.

“Very good, darling Rhea. Now try me.”



I can feel the pull, the call needling me, always whispering at the back of my skull. It's like a lullaby, softly murmuring suggestions.

I want to kiss her. I always want to touch her, so that's not new, but specifically, right now, nothing seems more important than closing the distance between us and bringing my lips to hers.

I grin. She’s very, very good, and a fast learner to boot. "If you're desperate for a kiss, you could always ask."

"It didn't work on you!" She seems relieved.

I smile back. In truth, it could have, but I was prepared for her intrusion.

"You'll have to keep exercising that muscle," I state. "And the rest of you can practice blocking her."

We ride another two hours, Rhea turning her skill on all my companions in turn. She doesn't try another attack, settling for attempting to cover my circle in ridicule. Vessorian sings—his voice is surprisingly good—Silver juggles with her knives, Lark shares her entire life story, explaining detail per detail how she rose from the youngest daughter of a rebel warlord to her present rank. By the time we stop for the night along a riverbank, Lark's the only one who managed to block Rhea. She's quite hard to resist, as her spell is honey sweet.

"You know she got you, right?" Lark tells me.

I narrow my eyes.

My general tilts her chin toward the sleeping woman, curled up against her horse's flank.

"Every time we’ve stopped, we've just dismounted and you cornered her and shoved your cock right inside her. We show her how to use her power, and for the first time, you have dinner first."

My brows furrow. "I fucked her right after dinner," I say, somehow on the defensive.
