Page 11 of Up in Flames

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Raven takes it and we make our way towards the dance. The streets are alive with people and music, the stars twinkling in the sky.

We arrive at the entrance to the Scarlet Hall, a magnificent building built with crystal, marble, and gold. At the entrance, a pair of women greet us, draped in crimson silk and jewels. Tables line the walls, filled with food, drinks, and conversation.

I take her hand in mine as we enter the grand hall. The Scarlet Dance was alive. It seemed to crackle in the air, and the beat of the music vibrates through the floor, up through my legs, and into my heart.

I grab Raven's hand and she meets my gaze,. There is a connection —a connection that seems to stretch out in the air.

The music swells, as I pull her close, her body pressed against mine, and something in the depths of my soul stirs awake. Crackles of electricity spark between us, a feeling so pure and right that I have no choice but to kiss her—to finally let myself give in to the urge I've been struggling against.

But as soon as our lips touch, a sudden wave of guilt rushes through me, cold and heavy. I'm not ready—I'm not ready to commit to someone, not after Britney.

I pull away, my heart heavy. Raven takes a step back. She knows exactly why I pulled away, and I feel relieved she doesn't seem mad or hurt.

The music grows softer now, the beat slower. We linger there, in that moment between desire and reason, before finally I break the silence.

"I'm sorry. I'm not ready yet."

Raven nods, her gaze softens. Then she steps away and the music seems to fill the empty space between us.

I follow her to a dimly lit corner, where we sit and observe the festivities. Taking a seat, I look at her, my gaze steady and unfaltering.

"So, how long have you been waiting to come to this dance?" I ask, my voice so low, she almost misses it.

Raven smiles, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "I've been waiting my whole life.”

We look into each other's eyes, our faces lit with the same hope. Raven now sees the real me.

“I’m sorry for completely ruining your fantasy of this being the perfect dance. All those childhood fantasies are squashed now because of me.”

“Don’t do that. You kissed me. We’re both adults. You’re still grieving and I’m not going to make you feel bad because you aren’t ready. Thank you for bringing me, but I’m ready to go home.”

We walk back to her house, talking and laughing the whole way. The night didn’t go as planned but we still had a good time.

As I watch her go inside, my heart slows. Our connection is a special thing, and tonight we both enjoyed getting to know each other without all the drama.

The best part: she now sees exactly who I am.



My face lights up when his name comes across my screen.

Adonis: Wanna meet at diner?

We haven’t talked since he dropped me off after the dance.

Me: Yeah give me half an hour.

Rushing around my bedroom, I pull out my favorite dress and put it on, and then swipe on some eyeliner and mascara. Perfect.

I grab my purse and head out the door. I'm floating on air, surrounded by the beautiful summer day. The sun is warm and the birds are singing.

Adonis did kiss me, and maybe it was too soon, but I liked it. Maybe that is my heart letting me know that I am actually ready to move on. Why should I waste time? I deserve a wonderful man who understands my worth, and that is not Tim. So no more sulking.

I arrive at the diner a few minutes early. There are only a few people seated and the sound of silverware scraping against plates echoes in the air. I take a seat at a booth near the back, and my excitement begins to build as I wait for Adonis to arrive.

Finally, the door opens and Adonis enters the diner. He is wearing a faded denim jacket and a pair of jeans that fit him perfectly. His hair is tousled, and his eyes are a deep shade of blue. He smiles when he sees me. He walks towards me with a slight limp, and I notice how the sun shines through his hair.
