Page 12 of Up in Flames

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“Hey there.”

We order our food and talk about music, books, and life. Am I in a dream? I could talk to him for hours, but every good thing has to come to an end eventually. Getting to know him has opened my perception. He is a wonderful guy, just hurting and in pain. If anyone can understand, it’s me. We have a lot more in common than I thought, and inside is an amazing man.

As the sun begins to set it is time for us to go. Neither of us expected to be here for almost four hours. He grabs the check, and I thank him for lunch that turned into dinner. We look into each other’s eyes. He might not be able to give into yet, but it's sparking.

He walks me to my car, and I hesitate before getting inside. When our eyes meet, he leans in and plants a soft kiss. The warmth of his lips linger on mine. My heart pounds, my mind racing with a million possibilities. I have been taken completely off guard by Adonis’ kiss again, but at the same time it provides a deep sense of comfort. This means he is struggling with his feelings toward me as well. It is going to be a process for him to move on from Britney, but I’m not the type to push.

He must have noticed the surprise in my eyes as I look at him, as he quickly turns away, his cheeks slightly flushed. He is still grieving Britney's death.

I reach out my hand and touch his shoulder, gently turning him back to face me. "I know you aren't ready... it's okay."

He nods looking at the ground. “I’m sorry.”

“We don’t have to rush into things. Take your time.”

He leans in and kisses me again, this time with a little more passion. My heart flutters as our lips move together, and the electricity sparks. He is scared, but seems like he might be ready to explore something new.

As we part, he looks into my eyes and smiles. “I think I’m getting there.”



Three days later…

We step into the cafe, the warm embrace of the atmosphere wrap around us. The small room is filled with people: some sitting in groups, talking and laughing, and some standing around, sipping their drinks and taking in the scene. It is a diverse group of individuals, all ages, genders, and backgrounds coming together in this one small place.

The walls are adorned with colorful artwork, brightening the dimly lit room. The tables are filled with various books and magazines, and the chairs are arranged in a circle around the stage. And at the center of it all is the stage, where a poet is performing their spoken word.

The sound of the poet's words fills the room, drawing us in. We stand in silence and listen, captivated by the power of their words, the passion and emotion they convey.

We look at each other and smile, mesmerized by the moment, and we find ourselves leaning closer towards each other without realizing it.

As the performance comes to an end, people begin to clap and cheer. When the poet finishes, we start back to her apartment.

"So, is it just me or is this becoming a regular thing?" Raven asks.

She's right. We have been spending a lot of time together. Is it crazy that I want to make sure before I jump into a relationship? If I move too fast and I'm not ready, it might break her heart, so I pull back a bit. "I like spending time with you, you know that. How am I supposed to know when I'm ready?"

She touches my arm. "I can't answer that for you. But when you are, I'll be here."

"You aren't sick of waiting?"

"Adonis, something that I have learned is that you have a heart of gold, and whoever is lucky enough to be with you, will be the happiest woman on the planet."

I smile. Women should be treated like queens. Everyone says it, but they don't actually practice what they preach. I do. "Well, I want that woman to be you. Whenever I'm ready to take the next step."

"This is me," she says, as we are finally standing outside of the apartment.

Before we say our final goodbyes, I take her hands in mine and look into her eyes. “I’ll be ready soon.”

She kisses me and goes inside, leaving me fighting with myself about why I can’t just make a decision. Raven is an amazing woman and here she is, telling me she wants to be with me, and I brush her off. What is my problem?


