Page 19 of Up in Flames

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"Oh, poor Adonis. I think we've all had something embarrassing happen in elementary school."

When Raven was in second grade, her teacher had assigned her to write a five-page essay about why she loved school. Raven had gone home and been so excited to write the essay, but when she finished it, she realized that she'd only written two pages. Panicking, she added three more pages of random scribbles, put it in her backpack, and hoped for the best. Needless to say, when she handed it in, her teacher was very unimpressed.

The night grows darker, and I can feel the electricity between us. We pause for a moment, lost in one another's eyes, and I want nothing more than to be with her. I pull her closer and kiss her. I feel so safe with her, as if I can tell her anything. Eventually we part, but I can still feel our shared warmth.

"This has been amazing, but it's getting late. We should really start heading back."

I hate that the evening is coming to an end, but it's not the last time. This is only the beginning for us, and it's nice to have someone in my life again. I thought tonight might be hard, but I truly believe that Britney is up there, happy for me. She wouldn't want me sitting around being miserable for the rest of my life. Raven makes me happy.

When I pull up to her place, I open the car door, and she slips out, but throws her arms around my neck.

"This has been an amazing date. Why did we wait so long?"

Her eyes lock on mine, and she plants a simple kiss and then walks off.

As I watch her walk away, I smile. I have made it through my first date with Raven.

She will surely invade my dreams tonight.



He drives away, leaving me standing there with a goofy grin plastered on my face. I walk up the stairs and into the apartment, my heart still fluttering. My brother is in the kitchen, washing dishes.

"So, how'd it go?" he asks, without turning around.

I sigh and smile. "Better than I could have imagined. Adonis is great."

My brother nods, still facing the sink. "He's one of the good ones."

"So, you don't mind him being one of your best friends?" I ask, still a bit unsure of the situation.

"No, not at all. Adonis needed someone in his life, and so did you. I'm glad he found someone."

I sit down on the couch, and tell him about it, and he acts like he’s interested. Of course, I leave out the details that are weird to tell my brother. My phone dings.

Blushing like a schoolgirl when I notice it’s from him.

“What did he say?” my brother asks.

I read the text out loud: I had a really good time tonight. Can’t wait to do it again.

Instead of staying out here with my brother, I head into my bedroom, letting the red dress slide to the floor and replacing it with a pair of pajamas.

Me: Why did we wait so long? Having you in my life just feels so right. =)

Adonis and I didn’t get off on the right foot, but he quickly showed me his true nature. The pain he kept bottled up inside caused him to act out and be an ass. Once he opened up, he was like a completely different version of himself.

Adonis: I struggled with what to do. At the end of the day, I deserved to be happy and that’s when I’m with you.

I throw my head back and smile. With me.

Adonis: You coming back to Grapevine has been my saving grace. Thanks to Tim for being a douchebag. His loss is my gain.

I stayed with Tim for far too long and I started losing who I was and becoming someone I didn’t recognize. He always wanted to do things his way, even if it was wrong. He would never listen to my ideas and when I would try to suggest something, he would just brush it off without even thinking about it. He would also always put down my opinions and make me feel stupid for even thinking them. He was damaging my self-confidence and making me feel like I was nothing.

It wasn't only my ideas that were put down but my dreams too. Whenever I would talk about my dreams, he would tell me that they were never going to happen and that I should just give up on them. I had a dream of becoming a professional painter, but he always told me that it was too hard and I would never make it. He didn’t realize that by saying that he was crushing my dreams and he was causing me to doubt myself. He also had a habit of talking down to me and criticize everything I did.
