Page 6 of Up in Flames

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"So," Betty begins in a gentle voice, "tell me about the guy from the diner that makes your knees weak again."

I blush, eyes darting around the room as if trying to avoid the truth. Betty waits, her patience as endless as the stars in the night sky. Finally I confess, "He's a total ass. He's rude and obnoxious and I don't even know why I'm attracted to him. It's like he's some kind of magnet for my attention and I can't help it.”

His better than everyone else attitude is an issue. He can’t walk into a room, flash a pretty smile, and expect to get what he wants. The girls in this town might let it slide, but not me. The best damn thing I ever did is go to Dallas. Things are so much different there, and people aren’t always in your business. A wonderful change of pace from Grapevine.

“I mean, it does sound like you have it out for him. So…”

Betty shuts up immediately once my eyes land on her, and she looks the other way. Am I being petty? It’s possible all the pent up irritation is coming out and I’m taking it out on him. To be fair, it’s been way too long since I have been touched, and maybe it’s getting to me. I’m in no shape to start dating again, and these hookup apps aren’t my thing, so I’m stuck.

“So, you wanna tell me what he looks like again?” she says, now laying on her stomach with her feet up.

He isn't a bad-looking guy by any means, but his arrogance is over the top. It isn’t my fault I like my men how I like my coffee: strong, steamy and complicated. I have had a daydream or two about ripping his uniform off and showing him what I’m made of, but that will give him what he wants - more attention.

Someone needs to put Adonis in his place, and right now I’m the only person willing.

"Are you sure you don't like this guy? I mean, you haven't shut up about him. Could just be sexual tension posing as hate... you think?" Betty says, eyes locking on mine.

"He disgusts me."

There is no way in hell. He is a grump with a mile-wide ego who obviously has some issues.



I finish my shift at the fire station, and it is the perfect start to the weekend. The sun is setting and all is peaceful - it has been a quiet day. I check my watch before getting in my truck and it’s nearly seven when my phone dings.

Ryan: Going to the diner. Wanna join us?

Friday is one of the days I go there anyway. I open the door, the familiar scent of coffee and bacon inviting me in. I look around and Ryan hasn't made it yet so I take my normal booth.

"Hey there," the waitress asks. "Want your normal?"

"I'm waiting on a friend, but I'll take some coffee for now."

I’m about to take my first sip of coffee when the trio enters the diner. It’s Ryan, his girlfriend and… Raven. A pang of sadness hits my heart when she stops in her tracks after catching sight of me. She’s upset to be in the same vicinity - her face flushed with anger.

Raven walks over to the booth, barely acknowledging me. Instead of letting it bother me, I smile.

The waitress comes back around and takes everyone's orders.

I break the silence afterward. "So... who is this?"

Ryan clears his throat before responding, "This is my sister, Raven."

Oh, god. His sister?

"It's nice to meet you Raven," I say, trying to break the ice.

They both have similar features. I’m too focused to be able to process this new information. Ryan mentioned his sister coming to live with him after a nasty break-up, but I never put two and two together.

I watch her as we eat dinner, engaging in small talk with everyone else but her. I try not to meet her gaze too often. It will take some time before she accepts my presence. I keep the conversation light and focused on topics like school or what she plans to do now that she is in Grapevine - anything that doesn’t touch what has happened between us.

This is the first step. I can't have one of my best friends' sisters hate me. And sure I have been a complete jerkoff toward her from the minute she met me, but she doesn't know the whole story.

Ryan and I discuss the plan to have a meeting next week with the community about how dangerous portable heaters are to homes, and spread awareness that can help prevent future fires and families being forced out of them. I did want to help the community. I might be an asshole, but I have a heart.

When Ryan and his girlfriend leave, Raven and I are left in the booth. There are some glances exchanged, but no words. We continue eating and when the waitress comes back, we both order a slice of apple pie.
