Page 15 of Twenty-four Three

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“Because the faster you figure out how you ended up here, the sooner you can handle it and not be here anymore.”

Carter threw his head back and laughed. “You’re funny as shit.”

“I’m serious.”

“I know you are which is what makes it so fucking funny.”

“Are you going to let me help?”

“I’ll think about it.” He shook his head, grinning. “But right now, I’m going to enjoy this food and pray yo’ ass didn’t poison me.”

Chapter Four

A few hours later, McKenna had cleaned the kitchen, showered, changed, and was cozy in bed, armed with a book and her TV remote. Neither held her attention because her focus was on the man across the hall.

They’d shared a meal together and retreated to their respective corners. Carter in the spare room while she’d closed herself behind her bedroom door. Currently McKenna stared at a TV screen that held images she couldn’t identify because every few minutes her eyes roamed to the door.

She wondered what he was doing but she refused to allow herself to get sucked into him and go check. How crazy was it that she was concerned? Was he sleeping, was he in pain, did he need anything?

After rolling her eyes at the thoughts, she surmised that her concern was rooted in the fact that she was a good person. Her thoughts had nothing to do with how sexy the man was or how infuriatingly demanding he had been since he’d shown up on her sofa in the middle of the night.

Shot and bleeding, McKenna.

The man is dangerous.

Exhaling a sigh, she slouched deeper into her bedding and lifted the book she had been reading for the past month on her days off. A few pages here and there, mostly before she drifted off to sleep. After she struggled enough to focus through a paragraph, a soft knock on her door had McKenna’s eyes shifting away from the page she was on.


“You asleep?”

“I just answered you so no,” she shot back.

“Can I come in?”


“I need your help with something.”

She exhaled a sigh. “Fine, come in.”

The door opened slowly to reveal a bare chested Carter holding what was left of the supplies she’d used on him earlier.

“I took a shower but I had to get rid of the other bandages. It’s not bleeding but I probably need to cover this.”

Carter watched McKenna, taking in her expression. He sensed she was still torn with having him in her space but she had warmed to the idea of him. Her attraction matched his own, but that wasn’t why he was there.

“Let me see…” She waved him in and Carter fully entered the room, stopping at the side of her bed. McKenna climbed out, wearing only a t-shirt and panties, same as the night before. His eyes lowered to her curvy frame but she didn’t notice because hers were focused on his wound, which she gently pressed and examined. He flinched each time her fingers made contact.

“Sorry, I’m sure it’s still very sore.”

“Yeah,” he muttered and her eyes shot up to his.

“You should take the ibuprofen. It will help.”

He shook his head, glaring at McKenna. “Nah, that shit made me sleep all day. I’m not feeling that.”

She reached for the bag of supplies, tossed them on the bed and began digging through the contents to get what she needed. The wound was now somewhat closed so she sprayed antibacterial directly to it, then smeared some on the gauze part of 3x4 adhesive bandage which she carefully placed over the wound, pressing the edges to make sure it was secure.
