Page 1 of The Tryst List

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Jordan - About 10 Years Ago

Pinch me.

I’m on top of the fucking world.

The black car speeds down the Vegas strip past the kaleidoscope of neon lights. A city alive with sex, dreams, and promises, and I’m determined to make the most of my excellent mood.

Tonight, I embody every inch of the buxom pinup girls I adore so much. My hair, a cascade of blonde waves, feels like a crown. My iridescent white body-con dress skims my curves and shows off my big tits. Six-inch silver sandals make my legs look a million miles long, even though I’m barely five feet tall.

Yeah, I’m feeling myself a bit. Why not? I fucking won the top artist prize at the Las Vegas International Tattoo Show and it’s been a three-year slog to get any recognition at all. Hard work. Navigating institutional misogyny. Blind faith. Determination.

My phone is pinging like mad with offers. From partnerships to guest-artist stints, suddenly I’m coveted by the most-respected shops all over the world. Someone gave a talent agent from the mn2s agency my phone number, apparently she wants to sign me and has all sorts of ideas on how to make me famous.

Flattering, sure, but tonight’s not the night to make major life decisions. I have plenty of time to figure shit out.


Tonight is time to celebrate. I’m in an Uber on my way to the Mandalay Bay where my brother Jace’s band, Less Than Zero, is playing at the House of Blues. Tomorrow, baby bro's leaving on tour in Europe for God knows how long. I decided to skip a night of doing Apple Pie shots with my tattoo friends and catch Jace's show.

Using the pass he left at the box office, I make my way through the jam-packed VIP area of the venue, which is alive with the throb of music. LTZ is already on stage, powering through an energetic set of their catchy, rock-driven tunes. My brother pounds on his drums, his long, blond hair whirling to the rhythm.

I’m fucking proud. We have a bona fide rockstar in our family.

Making my way to the rail of the balcony overlooking the stage, I raise my vodka soda high above my head and morph into full fan-girl mode. Cheering. Dancing. Throwing up some rock horns. All too soon, their set is over. It’s time to get another drink and wait for Jace to come find me.

Amid the crowd, my eyes are magnetically drawn to a man at the bar. Ho-ly shit. He’s the sexiest guy I’ve ever seen. Blond, shoulder-length hair, square jaw with a day’s worth of stubble, muscles bulging out of his tight T-shirt, glinting blue eyes and a dangerously inviting grin.

He looks like the best kind of trouble and I can’t stay away.

“Can I squeeze in?” I sidle up next to him, bathing in the heat of his gaze as he unabashedly checks me out.

“Sure.” His eyes twinkle with amusement as if he’s used to being hit on. “Here for the music?”

This is going to be fun. I toss my long hair back and pretend to focus on getting the bartender’s attention. “Yep. My brother’s the drummer in the band that played a minute ago.”

His eyes skate down to my ample cleavage when I bounce on my toes to wave the elusive drink-slinger down. I’m not offended. I was deliberately giving Mr. Sexy a little peek at my beautiful girls.

They're real and spectacular, if I do say so myself.

With a smirk, he sticks his hand out and snaps his fingers, which immediately—and annoyingly—gets the bartender’s attention. “You’re having…?”

“Vodka soda.” I place my order and flick my eyes over to his. “Thanks.”

“No problem. Are you in Vegas to see your brother?” He swishes the golden liquid in his glass around and takes a small sip, fixing his eyes on mine.

God, I love the thrill of the flirt. For now, I decide not to tell him I’m a tattoo artist who won a huge award. I'll stick with band-guy's sister. “Yeah, I’m incredibly proud of him. Are you also here to see LTZ?”

“Nah. Happy accident. I’m attending a conference about green building materials.” He quirks his eyebrow. “I’m an architect. Just started my own firm in Seattle.”

“Seattle?” I flutter my eyelashes playfully. “What are the odds? I live there too. Are you my destiny, maybe?”

His eyes lock with mine and he traces a finger along my jaw. “Could be.”

My entire body erupts with goosebumps from his slight touch, A zing of arousal shoots straight to my pussy. I’m going to fuck this guy tonight. No question. No apologies. It’s going to be transcendent. I know it with every fiber of my being.

Our shameless flirting flows, playful and effortless, charged with an undercurrent of something—more. We’re a total match.
