Page 2 of The Tryst List

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Each word, gesture, and heated look leads us to a fate we both know is inevitable.

Eventually, Jace and his bandmate Connor stop by, only for quick hugs because their tour bus is leaving. I don’t bother introducing them to this guy, since I don’t know his name yet. By the time they leave, the venue has cleared out leaving the two of us, a handful of stragglers, and the cleaning crew.

“So, Mr. Architect, got any other plans for tonight?” I open my purse and slick on a light coat of lip gloss.

“It's Peter. And, it depends.” He leans in close and nuzzles my neck. “Are you part of the plan?”

The air between us crackles. We’ve moved away from a flirty, casual chat. Though I’ve refrained from one-night stands, I’m convinced something bigger is happening here. I've never had an instant rapport with someone before. It's like we already know each other.

Sure, it's possible I'm captivated by this Peter guy’s charm and the promise of unforgettable passion, but I'm drawn to the possibility he and I could be something more.

Much more.

Deciding to be bold, I grip his knee and lean into him. “I'm Jordan and I'd like to be.”

One thing leads to another and we’re at the other end of the Strip in my hotel room at the Venetian. The Vegas skyline is a glittering backdrop to our own private world. When he takes me in his arms, his touch is electric, sending shivers down my spine. His soulful kisses ignite a fire, which burns fiercely. I’m incinerated.

“You’re stunningly beautiful, you know that?” Peter's hands trace the contours of my body. He cups my breasts, thumbing my nipples into diamond points. “My every fantasy come to life…”

I’m utterly lost in the intensity of his attention. “You make me feel beautiful.”

Before I know it, we’re naked and embark upon an endless, exhilarating night of intimacy beyond anything I’ve ever known was possible. Every single molecule of my body feels fused with his. When he looks at me, I’m the only woman in the world. When he’s inside me, I’m complete.

Whispered endearments. Promises of more nights together.

I've found my forever guy in the most unexpected way.

We're inevitable.

For a few stolen hours, I let myself believe it.

But as dawn creeps in, the magic of the night fades. I wake up to find Peter’s up, dressed, and there’s a distinct shift in the atmosphere. His warmth and focused attention is gone, replaced by a clenched jaw and cool detachment.

“I have to go.” He doesn’t bother to look at me as he ties the laces on his shoes.

God, I’m stupid. I know I signed up for this. Doesn’t make it sting any less. “Just like that?”

“It’s Vegas.” He shrugs, still avoiding my gaze. “What happens here…”

“Stays here, right?” I finish, angry at the bitterness creeping into my voice.

It can't be helped, though. I've been played. I'm mad—no furious—at myself. This guy's been inside my body. Bare. A lot.

The worst part is, I allowed it to happen. Willingly.

So. Fucking. Careless. I have zero excuses.

Peter doesn’t answer but manages to shoot me a half smile which doesn’t reach his eyes. There are no niceties. No number exchanges. Sweet sentiments and promises of forever uttered in the throes of the most mind-blowing sex of my life dissipate like vapor in the air.

Naked, amongst the rumpled bedsheets, I realize—I'm fucking crushed.

When the door closes behind him, my stomach churns with shame. The thrill of last night overshadowed by the hollowness of its end.

I bet he's not from Seattle. Or an architect.

God, I’m an idiot. A disappointment to myself and womankind.

I get out of bed and stare at the reflection of my body in the mirror. I'm a scrawny little thing with giant tits, melted makeup and tangled hair. I look like I've been rode hard, which is the understatement of the century.
