Page 25 of The Tryst List

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“Yeah.” I nod, feeling a knot form in my stomach. “I kicked him out of the shop. It was a mess.”

“Care to share?” she probes.

I recount what happened and the flood of emotions it's unleashed. Jen listens intently, her hand resting reassuringly on mine.

“Feelings are tricky.” Jen looks off into the distance. “But sometimes, they’re the best guide we have. He’s touched you deeply. It’s not really about him, though. It’s about you.”

“I’m actually confused.” I glance at the Tryst List. “I made this to move on from Cameron. But I’m not sure if it’s him I’m moving on from.”

We stay snuggled for a few minutes, staring at the lake.

“My advice is to talk to Peter. Clear the air.” Jen gets up to go back inside. “Stop all the bullshit and dancing around. You might not like what you hear, but at least you won’t be in limbo. There’s nothing worse.”

I consider her words, but the idea of facing Peter is daunting. “I doubt he’ll want to talk to me after being humiliated at my shop. It’s been a few weeks and I’ve heard nothing.”

“Well, you won’t know unless you try.” Jen hovers in the doorway. “The point is, there’s no rush. We’re knee deep in the holidays. Make it a New Year’s resolution.”

“Yeah…” I’m saved from answering when my parents and Becca join us, bringing coffee and pie.

We spend the rest of the evening talking, laughing, and sharing stories, though, in the back of my mind, Peter lingers. Jen’s right. Of course I need to talk to Peter. I can’t keep running from it.

I’m going to forget about this mess for a while and enjoy some time with my friends and family. I have a busy schedule and lots of events to attend. The last one being the opening of Gus and The Mission on New Years’ Eve.

Peter will be there. I’ll get some answers then.

Or closure.

Either way, it'll be the perfect way to start a new year.

Chapter nine


Five Weeks Later

Growing up in a small rural town in Washington, I was surrounded by people who had no interest in traveling.

My family certainly didn’t.

The prospect of getting on a plane was unfathomable, let alone jetting off to cities all over the world for work.

When I left the country the first time, the thrill was intoxicating. There was a sense of disbelief and wonder in those early days of success—the realization I was doing what I loved, and people were willing to pay significant sums of money for my vision and expertise. Those initial trips were more than work, they were adventures that shaped me into the man I am today.

This morning, however, I’m grateful to be seated in the familiar conference room at the Seattle headquarters of VA/VT.

The London trip was a whirlwind of stress. Walking the site with the stakeholders helped me comprehend the impact Project SoHo is going to have. Not only will it change the blueprint of the historical city, my team's part in the process is substantially more complicated than designing and building structures.

It's infinitely bigger than anything I or anyone in my firm has ever worked on.

Today's an all-hands-on-deck meeting to go over every project we're working on throughout the company. Everyone is bustling with energy as my Project SoHo team and I prepare to debrief about our London trip. The staff take their seats, eager to hear about our experiences and next steps.

“Alright, everyone, let’s get started.” I take my place at the head of the conference table. “First off, I want to thank Rose, Pip, and Fabiola for their incredible work in London. It’s been a grueling four weeks, but we’ve made significant progress.”

On cue, Rose starts the presentation. “The panel was quite impressed with our proposal. Over the three-week period, we had several in-depth discussions about our design and the sustainable aspects we’re incorporating. We were also able to demonstrate how VT software will integrate the process.”

“Yeah, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. They focused mostly on the green rooftop and the energy-efficient lighting system,” Pip enthusiastically chimes in. “My take is, compared to the other contenders, we seem to have the edge because of the technology innovation we’re bringing to the table.”

“It's true. We’ve established key contacts in London who support our vision. Being there was…incredible. To think VA/VT will potentially be responsible for such a prominent landmark…” Fabiola wipes a tear from the corner of her eye. “I’m proud to be part of this. Thank you, Peter for trusting us.”
