Page 28 of The Tryst List

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She greets everyone before dinner service as Zane looks on proudly. From the open-plan kitchen adjacent to the dining room, aromas of a high-end feast waft about. The restaurant itself is buzzing with the chatter and laughter of guests with a distinct sense of celebration.

I’m trying to enjoy the lively scene by hanging out with my parents and Carter Pope, Zane’s rockstar father. Jace and Alex are deep in conversation with Ty and Zoey. Connor and his wife, Ronni are chatting with Jen and Becca.

As cool as it to be on the band’s short list, I’m unusually fidgety because I’ve made a rookie mistake. It’s a bit humiliating at my age to attend an event like this with my folks. I should have brought Merc or Kali as my date. LTZ is a close-knit closed-rank bunch and while I adore everyone, I feel like the odd woman out.

Mom turns to me. “Jordy, you seem restless. Are you having a good time?”

“Yeah, of course. It’s great to see everyone happy.” I take a sip of my cocktail. “I hope we sit down to dinner soon; I’m starving.”

She raises a skeptical eyebrow but doesn't say anything else. I get it. My attempts at paying attention to the conversations around me are futile. I can’t stop glancing at the entrance. Peter’s not here yet and I wonder if he has the balls to show up and face me. Every time the door opens, my heart races, only to settle down when it’s not him.

Fiona, who’s working the room like a pro, approaches and hugs her father-in-law. “You slipped in without saying hi, Carter.”

“This is your night; I didn’t want to bug you.” He tugs on her long pink braid.

“You guys did an amazing job with the renovation.” My pops gestures to the gorgeous floating bar. “Thank you for including us.”

I hadn’t noticed it before and I wonder, is that a detail that Peter designed?

Jesus, I suck. A grown woman obsessing about a man who…argh! What the fuck is wrong with me? I need to turn my brain off.

Fee beams. “Thank you, Jason. We’re very happy with how it came out. Now, it’s time to get seated, I hope you’re all hungry.”

She kisses Carter on the cheek and joins her brigade in the kitchen.

Fiona clinks on a champagne glass and urges us to take our seats. She’s about to address the room when the door opens. Peter. He walks in with confidence in his stride, commanding attention in a tailored suit that fits him perfectly. His blond hair is slicked back, emphasizing his square jaw. The kind of handsome that makes my breath catch in my throat.

“Is that...?” Mom grips my wrist, her eyes following the direction of where I’m gaping at him. I'm lucky to have such cool parents where I can tell them anything and everything without judgment—even my sex life.

“Yeah. That’s Peter.” I tear my eyes away.

Then glance over to see where he’s sitting.

My heart crashes to the ground. He’s brought a date. A stunning woman with dark hair and porcelain skin who laughs at something he’s saying. While they’re not holding hands or acting overtly romantic, it’s clear they’re comfortable companions. Which stings more than I care to admit.

Who is she?

“Who’s with him?” Dad’s brow is furrowed when he utters the obvious question.

My attempt to mask my disappointment fails. “I don’t know, pops. His date?”

Peter and the woman make their way to their assigned table, greeting people as they pass. I watch them and wish I could disappear.

“Well, he’s made quite an entrance.” Alex leans over. “Are you okay?”

“Sure.” I force a smile and change the subject. “What time does the band go on tonight?”

Jace cocks an eyebrow and flicks his eyes between me and Alex. “An hour or so after dinner ends.”

Determined to focus on the celebration, I manage to block out further thoughts of Peter by refocusing my attention on the conversation. Soon, I’m completely immersed in my own bubble with my own people. We tell funny stories and thoroughly enjoy each other’s company. Not to mention, dinner is exquisite.

After the meal winds down, we make our way next door to The Mission. All the wives and family are seated front and center in the VIP area with the best view in the house. While we wait for LTZ to start, Zoey, Alex, and I sip glasses of wine as we reminisce about the band’s first show at The Mission over a decade ago.

Noting the time, I excuse myself to use the restroom. As I head down the hallway toward the rear of the building, I see Peter. Before I can turn around, our eyes meet, and there’s a moment of unspoken regret on both our parts. An undeniable link, strong as steel, draws us together, despite everything.

He approaches. Behind him, the pretty woman trails, looking around the room in awe. I'm crushed. Did he get involved with someone in the past few weeks?

I know I threw him out of my shop, but the truth is…he's under my skin. I hate seeing him with someone else when I know he's meant to be mine.
