Page 49 of The Tryst List

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I make my way along the path, feeling both at home and out of place amid the grandeur and the buzz of high-profile guests milling about. Some faces are recognizable—said actors, musicians, and tech moguls—mingling and laughing in their expensive suits and designer dresses.

A butler approaches me as I near the main gathering area. “May I assist you, sir?” In contrast to the guards, he has a polite, professional demeanor.

“Uh, yes, thank you. My name is Peter Vander, I’m looking for Jordan Deveraux.” I scan the crowd, trying to catch a glimpse of her.

“Ah, yes. Mr. Vander. Miss Deveraux is part of the bridal party.” His face lights up. “They’re currently preparing. May I escort you to the waiting area for the ceremony?”

Nodding, I follow him, taking in the extravagant setup. Everything is meticulously organized, from the placement of chairs to the floral arch where the ceremony will take place. The view of the lake provides a stunning backdrop.

Without my phone, I’m unable to text Jordan, though I did let her know when I arrived at the first gate. Mingling amongst the wedding guests while I wait for her to find me, I accept a glass of champagne. Though I don’t see Fiona because she’s also in the wedding party, I recognize a few of my other clients in attendance, which makes me feel more at ease when I’m able to chat and make small talk.

Maybe I actually belong here.

“Holy shit, you’re fucking gorgeous.” Jordan, radiant in her bridesmaid dress, wraps her arms around me from behind. “You made it through the labyrinth. We’ve always had security, but today is next level.”

I turn and take in her va-va-voom perfection. Her hair has been styled in some sort of elaborate updo. She wears a simple, satiny pinkish number leaving nothing to the imagination. “It was fine, baby. You’re stunning. And, holy hell, this place is incredible.”

“Ah, thanks, baby.” She clutches my hand in both of hers. “I know, it’s a bit much, but my family doesn’t do anything by halves. I wanted to come see you, but the wedding planner will kill me if I don’t get back to her. Sit anywhere and I’ll find you after the ceremony.”

She darts off and before long I find myself shuffled with the rest of the guests to get seated. I decide to park myself toward the rear on Alex’s side of the aisle so I can see Jordan. The wedding unfolds beautifully. The vows, the setting, the emotion in the air—it's all picture-perfect.

I’m not gonna lie, I have a visual of Jordan standing up there waiting for me and it makes me happy.

After the ceremony, Jordan rejoins me, and we navigate the reception prior to dinner. Jace and Alex are surrounded by well-wishers, but I meet her sister Jen and Jen’s partner, Becca, Jaylynn and her husband, whose name I’ve already forgotten.

We’re guided to yet another location where Jordan's parents, Jason and Grace hold court. Jason, a formidable figure with a protective glint in his eye, extends his hand with a firm grip designed to assess my character.

“Peter, I’ve heard quite a bit about you.” Jason’s piercing gaze is intimidating, though I detect a hint of playfulness beneath his stern demeanor. It's kinda cute, Jordan shares this trait.

Trying to remain composed despite my nerves at meeting one of the most famous businessmen in the world, I manage to keep my voice calm. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

“Welcome, Peter. Jordan speaks of you often.” Grace kisses me on the cheek and clasps my hand with a warmth that counterbalances her husband’s sternness.

As the conversation unfolds, I find common ground with Grace over our shared interest in design. Her insights into high-end interiors and the use of green technology are fascinating, and I feel myself relaxing into the conversation.

Jason, however, seems intent on keeping me on my toes. “So, Peter. VA/VT is quite impressive. I’ve been fascinated by your trajectory for quite a few years. I hear you’re up for quite a prestigious appointment.”

“Uh, yeah.” I glance down at Jordan, who beams at me but quirks a brow. I still haven’t told her about London, not because I’m hiding it. It hasn’t come up.

Lies. I’m totally avoiding the topic. Which is why it hasn’t come up.

Immediately, I feel like a piece of shit.

“Peter’s firm is one of two in the running to design the new London pop culture museum and the infrastructure surrounding it.” Jason nods approvingly to Grace. “Best of luck, it could put your career on the worldwide map. Cement your name in history.”

And…just like that I’m outed by Jordan’s dad. Jordan continues to smile at me to save face, but I see the hurt and confusion behind her eyes.

I have no choice but to acknowledge his comment. “Thank you, sir.”

Grace gives her husband a gentle nudge. “We need to get inside.” She touches my sleeve. “We’ll chat more after dinner.”

Jordan’s lips set into a line, but with all the activity and people around us there’s no time to explain. She and I are seated at the family table and tonight isn't about us. I’m quiet in the midst of the bustling dinner, hum of conversations and numerous clinking of glasses. The food and wine are probably delicious, but it’s like acid in my stomach. I find myself longing for a moment alone with my girl.

Dinner finally wraps up a couple hours later. At the first opportunity, I tilt my head slightly, silently suggesting to Jordan that we sneak away. She understands immediately and nods her assent with an apprehensive sigh.

We slip out unnoticed, finding a secluded spot in the beautifully landscaped gardens of the mansion. The night air is brisk and the stars above are brilliant, casting a dramatic glow over the serene lake. It sucks to have this conversation during such a romantic celebration.

“Before you start in, don’t.” Jordan shakes her head. “We’ll talk about this London thing tomorrow.”
