Page 69 of The Tryst List

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Peter takes it all in. He’s attentive, respectful, and present, but there’s a sadness behind his eyes as he experiences the support and love my parents have for me.

Amidst the lively hum of our conversation and a delicious steak dinner, Peter’s phone starts buzzing, vibrating the table. I know why he has it out—the selection committee is supposed to call this weekend. Trying to be discreet, Peter silences it and attempts to tuck it away, but the persistent buzzing draws everyone’s attention.

My pops taps the table with his finger. “Sounds like someone trying to urgently reach you, Peter.”

“Uhh…” Peter glances at his phone, a flicker of annoyance crosses his face. “It’s nothing. It can wait. I prefer not to let phones interrupt personal time.”

His phone, however, has a different plan. Minutes later the buzzing starts once more.

With a resigned sigh, Peter glances at the screen and mutters, “It’s my mother.”

“You should take the call, Peter. Family is important.” My dad knows nothing about the problems in Peter’s family and gestures for him to get up and answer the phone.

Peter glances at me before he reluctantly excuses himself and steps outside the private room. The moment he’s gone, my parents look at me curiously.

I take a deep breath. “Peter doesn’t talk much about his family. He has a…complicated relationship with them.”

“Hmmm. Must be tough for both of you.” My mom’s eyes crinkle with empathy.

My nose wrinkles inadvertently. “Well, I haven’t met them yet.”

Rather than chastise me, my pops knows how to get his point across without putting me on the defensive. “It’s important to understand these dynamics, Jordy. Especially given our family’s public profile. If this guy’s going to be an important part of your life, you need to understand what you’re getting into.”

“I know. I’m convinced Peter’s trying to protect and shield me from something.” I chew on my thumbnail. “But you’re right. I’ll talk to him later.”

My pops tilts his head thoughtfully. “Just make sure there’s nothing…sketchy going on. It’s always good to know the full picture.”

“You know something.” A realization dawns on me. “You’ve already done a background check on him, haven’t you?”

There’s a glint in his eyes. “Let’s say I like to be informed about the people who are important to my daughter. I’ll be interested to learn how this plays out, but I’ll also point out your mother and I didn’t cancel.”

I shake my head, amused and weirdly reassured by my dad’s protective nature. Whatever it is, my pops isn’t bothered. The bigger question is, will Peter be honest about his family situation. Is he hiding something else from me?

The door opens and Peter returns, looking slightly unsettled but composed.

“Everything okay?” I reach for his hand as he takes his seat next to me.

His smile is strained. “Yeah, family stuff. Sorry for my rudeness.”

“Peter.” My pops says his name as a command, though his tone is thoughtful. “Family matters can be tough. I know a thing or two about it, unfortunately.”

“Yes, they can be. It’s…complicated.” Peter juts out his chin defensively, though I can tell he’s curious as to what he has to say. Jason Deveraux, after all, is more than just my father. He’s one of the most respected minds on the planet.

Dad steeples his fingers under his chin. “Family matters always are. Do you mind if I share an experience I had with my estranged biological father, around the time I first found success?”

I lean in, surprised by his openness. Knowing my pops, there'll be a point to the story. He’s alluding to whatever intel he has on Peter’s family. “Really, Dad? I thought Grandpa Emil was your bio dad.”

Pops squints and looks off into the distance for a moment before returning his attention to me and Peter. “No. Grandpa Emil is actually my stepfather, but I've always thought of him as my real dad. Bio-dad Doug was never in the picture, until I started making a name for myself, of course. Then he suddenly reappeared, thinking he could claim a part of my success.”

Mom strokes my dad’s hair lovingly. “Was a big shock.”

“It was. When Doug tried to blackmail me, I thought he was a stalker.” Dad’s voice is steady, despite the gravity of his words. “He dug up some old family secrets. Threatened to reveal a couple things from high school I wasn’t proud of.” He crosses his arms and leans back. “The shit hit the fan, though. He threatened my mother.”

“Grandma Elsa?” My hands fly to my mouth.

He pats my hand. “Yes. He planned to go public with dirt he had on her from Sweden unless I paid him off.”

I sit in stunned silence, processing this revelation. Peter, meanwhile, is riveted by my father’s story.
