Page 78 of The Tryst List

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We all huddle around her phone and watch with great amusement as Mia puts makeup on Ty and Zane, who sit side by side on the couch. Baby Oliver is sound asleep in a bassinette next to Ty.

Alex shudders. “I can’t unsee it, can I?”

“Take a look at this.” Ronni, who’s barely showing, turns her phone so we can see Connor chasing his twin sons around their bedroom, trying to put on their pajamas. “Those guys command a stage in front of fifty thousand fans who would probably give anything to see this.”

We all laugh, enjoying the images of real-life rockstars trying to keep up with the demands of parenthood.

“Hey, Jordan, I heard you’re selling your condo,” Alex prods me. “Big move, huh?”

“Way to steal my thunder, Ms. Inside Information. Peter and I bought a beautiful place on Beach Drive. He's fast-tracking renovations to his standards so we're living at his house until its finished. It’s right on the water – the view is incredible.” I can’t help but picture the home, which will be perfect for us.

Ronni whistles appreciatively. “Beach Drive, fancy! So you two are really setting down roots?”

“It’s not Hunt’s Point, but we like it.” I get in a jovial dig about the fancy neighborhood where Ronni and Connor live.

“When will it be done?” Zoey leans back in her chair and shifts positions.

“A few months. In all seriousness, it feels right, you know? We both wanted a place of our own. We’re keeping his place downtown because it’s awesome, but the new house will be our main house.” I feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of Peter and I moving in officially to our home.

Especially because of my little secret.

Merc grins, bumping his shoulder against mine playfully. “Look at you ladies. Every one of you all grown up and domesticated.”

“Peter’s a good guy.” Fiona leans her head on my shoulder. “I can't believe how perfect you are for each other. I mean it.”

“He's perfect for me,” I agree, feeling a warmth spread through me at the thought of my man. “Despite some serious setbacks, he’s shown me time and again how committed he is to us, to our future. This move…it’s like starting a new chapter.”

If only they all knew.

The night winds down and I’m grateful for the time we’ve had tonight. The next few months are going to be a whirlwind, and it’s hard to know when—and if—another night like this will happen anytime soon.

In any case, the sense of camaraderie and support fills me with warmth. With friends like these, life is pretty fucking great.

Half hour later, I’m relaxing in bed, watching some YouTube videos on my iPad. As the clock inches toward eleven, fatigue starts to set in. First-trimester pregnancy is no joke, but I’m trying to rally because I’m eagerly waiting for Peter’s call.

I decide to haul my ass out of bed and pack a couple of boxes. Peter wants me to hire movers, but I’ve lived in this house for a long time and I want to go through everything myself. There’s no reason to bring a bunch of crap to our new house because it's purging season. I’m actually looking forward to a fresh start.

As I’m folding some clothes, my phone finally buzzes. It’s Peter on FaceTime. A smile spreads across my face as I answer. “Hey, sexy. I miss you.”

Peter’s handsome face fills the screen. “Hi, baby. Today is going to be busy, we’ve officially submitted the drawings for preliminary review. Everything’s moving forward.”

“Fantastic! I’m so proud of you.” I make a kissy face to the screen, genuinely happy for him.

He looks to his left and right and makes a quick kissy face back. “I’m on the Tube so don’t make me do anything embarrassing.”

“Would it be inappropriate of me to ask to see your cock?” I wink when I mouth the word “cock.”

“What am I going to do with you.” He tsks, shaking his finger. “I can’t wait to come home. Neither can my cock. Speaking of home, I have a surprise for you.”

My curiosity is piqued. “A surprise? What kind of surprise would be better than riding your cock?”

Peter chuckles. “You’ll see. Just pack a bag for a weekend getaway. We’re leaving as soon as I get home. I’ll text you the instructions. It’s going to be something special.”

“Instructions? How fun!” I can’t help but feel a rush of excitement at his words. “I love surprises! I’ll be ready.”

We chat a bit more about our days. I tell him about the girls’ night out, the laughter, the stories, and the support. He listens intently, which is one of the many reasons I love him. He genuinely cares about every little detail of my life.

Another reason my love for Peter has deepened is witnessing the integrity he’s shown in dealing with his past. As we suspected, it’s affected every aspect of his life—personal, and professional—but he’s come out the other side lighter and happier. Lately we find ourselves naturally recapping the recent upheavals and resolutions in his family situation. It feels like a necessary step. He’s got to process everything to close a painful chapter before we fully embrace the new journey ahead of us.
