Page 84 of The Tryst List

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“Yeah.” My eyes mist up. “I can’t believe you remember all this when I’d nearly forgotten. I loved those pieces. My entire experience with the gallery turned me off working in fine art for good. I still wonder what could have happened to my art babies.”

Peter kisses the top of my head as we face the stunning rendition of one of my long-lost pieces. “ I know what happened to your artwork. I bought it. All of it. I popped into Amsterdam on one of my trips to London. Found the gallery. Made them search their storage and there they were. Shoved away. As beautiful, haunting, and magical as you described.”

“Wait, what?” I’m shocked senseless. Tears of joy and disbelief well up in my eyes.

“I planned on telling you at my first appointment but then…well, you know our story.” He smiles at me. “Knowing how skeptical you were of my intentions, I didn’t want to love bomb you right away. So, I decided to keep them safe. Even though we had a rough road, something inside me always believed we’d find our way to each other. Either way, I bought them back for you to have.”

I sigh happily, this is the single coolest thing anyone has ever done for me. The mosaic is a stunning interpretation of my work, each tile meticulously placed to capture the essence and beauty of my design. “I can’t believe it, baby. It’s the most beautiful gift. To see my art on such a grand scale, in this place… It’s more than I ever imagined.”

“You’re an incredible artist, Jordan.” He wraps his arms back around me, and we stand there, in front of my mosaic, lost in the moment. “Your art deserves to be seen and celebrated. You inspire me every day, and I wanted you to have something to always remind you of how extraordinary you are.”

As the evening sun casts its golden light over the grounds, illuminating the mosaic in a radiant glow, I realize this moment is more than a gesture of love—it’s a testament to our journey, to the depth of our attachment, and the shared appreciation for art and beauty binds us.

Lost in the beauty of the moment, Peter suddenly steps back, his expression turning solemn yet filled with love. To my utter surprise, he drops to one knee, a small velvet box in his hand.

The world seems to pause around us.

“Jordan, baby.” Peter’s voice is steady but filled with emotion. “You’re my inspiration. My partner. My only love. The mother of my baby. With you, I’ve found joy and peace I didn't know existed. Will you marry me?”

He opens the box to reveal a stunning ring, sparkling with diamonds and aquamarines, my birthstone.

It’s perfect.

Tears of happiness fill my eyes as I nod vigorously. “Omigod, yes, Peter, yes! I'll marry you!”

“So, what do you think? Does this make the list?” He grips my cheeks between his palms and plants a kiss on my lips.

I tilt my head, then it dawns on me.

“Yes.” I laugh. “It’s the ultimate Tryst.”

“The best Tryst.” He nibbles on my lips.

“For now.” I gaze up at him. “We’re going to have a lifetime of trysts and I look forward to each and every one of them. With you.”


Peter - A Few Minutes Later

Jordan thinks our surprises are done for the night.

Why wouldn’t she?

An art installation. A marriage proposal.

The thing is, I’m not waiting another day for our forever. There's one final surprise.

I slip the ring onto Jordan’s slender finger. Then stand and take both of her hands in mine. “How about we get married tonight?”

“Uh…” Jordan looks deep into my eyes to see if I’m serious. Then she frantically looks around. “Tonight would be amazing, but... my family isn’t in Vegas.”

My cue. I turn toward the garden path to signal our butler. “I thought you might say that baby.”

One by one, Jordan’s friends and family members step out from the shadows. Her parents, Jace and Alex, Jen and Becca, Jaylynn, the LTZ guys and their wives, Merc, Kali, Ryuji and Luna from The Salty Siren. Joining them, Pip, Fabiola, and Rose come forward with a few of my staff.

Everyone witnessed the unveiling of her art and my proposal. All are checked into the villas for the wedding.

Our wedding.
