Page 86 of The Tryst List

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“No judgment.” He holds up his hands in surrender and backs away. “Trust.”

Hand in hand we follow Jace. When we enter the dining room, our family and friends erupt into cheers. Jason and Grace are the first to embrace us, their eyes shining with happiness. “Congratulations, you two!” Jason claps me on the back. Grace wipes away a tear, adding, “Welcome to the family, Peter.”

“You’re in the club, big bro!” Jace teases while Alex hugs Jordan tightly. “You two are going to love being married.”

Jordan’s sisters Jaylynn and Jen and Jen’s wife, Becca offer hugs and congratulations. The other members of Less Than Zero and their wives wish us well. Our staff gather too.

Rose, of course, thinks Jordan is both the stars and the moon after her advocacy and they've become close.

Merc, ever the life of the party, makes his way to the dance floor. “Come on, everybody up! This is a celebration!”

For the rest of the evening, the air is filled with the sound of laughter, music, and clinking glasses. The dance floor pulses with energy, everyone, including the kids, flail around to hits from the nineties and two thousands. LTZ guys—well, mostly Zane—occasionally take the stage, their impromptu performances add an extra layer of excitement to the night.

During a slower song, I pull Jordan close and we sway together, lost in our own world. “I can’t believe I pulled it off. I tricked you into marrying me,” I whisper, looking down into her eyes.

“I’d marry you a hundred times over.” Jordan leans up to kiss me. “Can I tell you a secret?”

“Absolutely. But I’ll point out, we’re not supposed to keep secrets.” I beam down at her.

“Says the man who surprised me with a wedding…never mind.” She nestles into my chest.

“You gonna tell me,” I tip her chin up to look at me, “the secret?”

She blinks her eyes coquettishly. “My secret is, if you’d asked me to get married the last time we were in Vegas, I’d have said yes.”

“Oh yeah? I planned on asking. If my family situation hadn't exploded, I was fully planning on convincing you to let Elvis marry us.” I kiss her nose.

From behind us, someone tings a spoon on a wine glass. Jordan and I spin around to see Merc standing by the destroyed wedding cake.

“Before you all leave, darlings, I wanted to give Jordan and Peter my gift.” He raises an eyebrow and stares down the crowd. “And I don’t want anyone to laugh.”

Of course, everyone laughs and Merc shoots everyone faux glares. “As we send Peter and Jordan off tonight, I’d like to leave you with this poem I’ll call ‘A Mermaid’s Tale.’”

Beneath the moon’s soft, silvery glow, a mermaid’s whisper swayed,

In depths of love, like stars above, where Jordan’s dreams were made.

Peter, in quest, his heart confessed, drawn to her Siren’s call,

Their souls did meet, in harmony sweet, a love to outlast all.

From vibrant seas to life’s tapestries, they wove their tale so bright,

In each embrace, they found their place, beneath the ocean’s light.

Together they swim, through currents grim, their love a beacon true,

A mermaid’s tale, where love prevails, in waters deep and blue.

Sappy. Heartfelt. Perfect.

It’s a weddinglicious mic drop moment.
