Page 27 of Tats

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I shake my head. "How are you feeling, brother?"

He grunts. "Well, after that joke, like I'm about to have a heart attack." I laugh again before he sighs. "I don't know what to do, Tats. What in the fuck do I do?"

I lean forward and link my hands together, feeling fucking bad for him. "You're going to give it a day at a time." He looks at me with a raised brow, and I smile. "It's all you can do, brother. You have a woman who loves you, a little girl who calls you daddy and fucking worships you. You need to take it slow, but I'm telling you now, brother, don't fucking touch another woman. You get to know your girl again and see why you fell for her in the first place, while keeping your hands fucking clean, because if you touch someone else…when you get your memories back, it'll fucking kill you and she'll most likely walk. And I've seen you without her before; it nearly destroyed you, brother. Especially when she went out on a date with someone else."

He winces, his face full of pain at the thought of hurting Liv and April, before anger shines in his eyes at the thought of someone touching what's his. This is good. A part of him gravitates toward his girls. We can work with that.

"I don't want to see the little girls hurt day in and day out, though, brother. It'll be too much pressure."

I nod and reply, "Then maybe keep a distance from the cutie for a little while but still try to speak to her, brother, maybe on the phone, because cold turkey will hurt her, and I don't want to have to hurt you for hurting that cutie pie."

He nods, groaning, running a hand through his hair before asking, "Distract me, please. My fucking head…everything is muddled up, and I can't fucking take any more of how fucked up I am. How's it going with the club?" I swallow but shrug, unwilling to say much, and he furrows his brows, saying, "Last I remember, you threatened to leave. Is that still the case?"

I sigh. "Brother, it's fucking complicated."

He cuts in, "Then fucking uncomplicate it," making me chuckle.

"I don't feel a part of the family. I never have. Snake and Dad, as well as you, have been trying to integrate me into the club, proving that you trust me. The brothers are trying to call me daily, but I just—fuck…." I shake my head. "It could be years too late for me. I have five months until the contract is done with the shop."

He swallows hard. "Don't hand in your patch, brother. We're your family."

I nod. "Yet my family made me into an outsider simply because I was born."

He winces as Doc enters, who grins, seeing me, and asks, "Now, where has our enforcer been staying at night?"

I chuckle at the fucker and state, "At home."

Doc hums, checking Smokey's chart as he looks my way with a raised brow. "A home none of us brothers know about, but I'm more interested in finding out with whom."

I laugh a little. "Because you want to know, or do you hope Kennedy will call you back just to get the details from you?"

He groans. "Am I that transparent."

I nod because he is. He knocked up his fling, Prue, who then lost his baby. Apparently. Doc was ready to end things, so the timing was really fucking off. Still, once Prue stated she was pregnant, instead of confirming it like a doctor with all the resources and knowledge should, he took her at her word, and made her his old lady in front of the club and Ken when, only two weeks prior, he bedded her, lying about ending things with Prue after they finally confessed their feelings for each other.

Ken ran, and rightfully so.

"Brother, she'll call when she's ready, but while Prue is still living in your apartment and still wearing your cut, she won't want anything to do with you. Even if you and Prue split, there's no guarantee she'll want anything to do with you. You've hurt her bad, and honestly, I think you may have lost her for good."

He winces but shakes his head, not willing to admit it, but the fucker still has an old lady.

Smokey raises a brow, wanting to know where I've been, but I just shake my head. "I've been staying at home getting rest. Snake continuously putting me on runs and meetings with our allies, plus inking my clients—I'm fucking tired."

They both nod, not believing a word I'm saying, which makes me shake my head.

I'm not telling them about my girl.

She's just for me and only me; the club would destroy us.

A few hours later, I leave Smokey in Doc's capable hands and head home, where I know my girl will be waiting for me. I message her and tell her to let herself in.

I really can't fucking wait to cuddle up with her on the couch, with my cock deep inside her, a movie on.

The perfect fucking night.

I smile wide at seeing her pickup in my driveway, and pull up next to it before switching my bike off, and heading inside. When I open the front door, I expect her to be sitting in my shirt on the brown couch, but she's not. Instead, she’s standing behind the couch, a bag hanging off her shoulder. She’s in my shirt, one I don't look too closely at, which I really should have, but all I can focus on is the fact she's got her jeans and sneakers on, has tears in her eyes, and she’s wringing her fingers together. I know instantly she's trying to end things with me; most likely because she thinks I'm fucking others when I haven't since she became mine.

I slam my door shut, unable to control my rising anger.
