Page 31 of Tats

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I chuckle and reply, "You could, but considering you've forced me to go on nearly every single one unless I have clients, I doubt you'll command me to go. Now, I have plans, plans I won't reschedule."

And I won't. I don't need Violet changing her mind. I need to push myself in her life every day to ensure I don't lose her. I've managed to force myself into her life over the past year, fuck, for the past three years, really. I understand her concerns. She’s lost a lot, and I'm the fucking idiot who took her virginity and didn't remember, which I'm kicking myself for. Each time I've fucked someone since college, an image of my girl with her head back, gasping in pleasure, comes to me. I always thought it was a dream, a fantasy. Now, I realize that it's a true image. I've been having fucking flashbacks for years, yet I never put two and two together.

I need to get her to understand what she means to me and that she won't lose me like she did her parents. I need her to understand I'm hers, just like she's mine. We were always meant to be, and I've come to terms with that over the past year. I've let myself get used to the idea, taking my time to realize I won't destroy her. I’ve even asked Momma, a counselor, subtle questions about mental abuse and how to overcome it. She'd look at me weirdly but answer my questions nonetheless, which helped me get ready for my girl.

I won't let the club or my insecurities take her from me. I'm going to keep her safe and treasured forever.

She's mine.

Now I just have to convince her of that, and then ask if she's alright with keeping our relationship between us. Until I've no longer got my patch hanging over my head, I can't have people know about us, especially not Snatch or my father.

"Brother, I’ve never forced you to go, you've gone willingly," Snake says, bringing my focus back to him as I start my bike.

Sniper shouts, "That sounded really fucking bad. Does Sarah know you two have something going on?"

I laugh as Snake groans. "Fuck’s sake, Sniper, get your head outta the gutter."

I mumble, "The fucker lives in it," making Snake laugh and Sniper shout, "At least I can get some."

I shake my head and state, "Snake, I'm not canceling the plans. Take Sniper with you for being a fucktard."

Sniper shouts his protests, stating Axel's old lady is crazy. The women of the Untamed MC like to play pranks. Sending dildos to allies and stealing the brothers’ bikes kind of pranks.

Thankfully, my girl will never meet them.

Snake ignores his blood brother’s protests and states, "Five months, Jayden." I sigh.

I look back at my house, something I bought and upgraded without the club, and rasp, "Just because you try to include me, brother, doesn't mean I’m going to decide whether I stay in the club. There's a lot of hurt from the past that none of you know about, and I'm not ready to discuss it." I clear my throat. "Look, I'm not handing it in right now. All I'm saying is that I have plans, and I won't be changing them, not this time."

He sighs, grumbling under his breath, before he says, "Alright, I'll take Sniper, but brother, this conversation isn't over."

I grunt before hanging up with Snipers protests in the background, stating he has a date planned, making me laugh.

The fucker doesn't date, he fucks.

Shaking my head, I put my phone away and start my bike, ready to see my girl.

Twenty minutes later, I'm pulling up outside her door. I swing my leg over my bike, lean against it, and wait for my girl. I know she already heard my bike, so I don't need to message her. All I've got to do is wait.


I swear if she doesn't come out because she’s let her fear take over, I will go in and carry her out over my shoulder.

Just as the thought hits me, the main entrance door to the building opens, and my girl walks out holding the helmet I bought her three years ago. She’s stunning. I grin. I put my sunglasses on my head and watch her walk toward me. She's in her usual cowgirl boots, her light blonde hair is down in waves, and she's wearing a dark blue dress held up by two very thin straps. The fabric hugs her tits nicely, then flares at her hips, hitting her knees.

Fuck she's beautiful…and all mine.

She walks up to me, and I spread my legs so she can walk right in between them, and I wrap my arms around her. She plants her nose into my neck, and I kiss the top of her head, holding her tightly.

I'm enjoying her closeness when she mumbles against my skin, "Before we go anywhere, something has been bothering me." I hum, running my finger through her hair, taking a deep breath, loving her smell. "Do you think I'm creepy for keeping your shirt for so long?"

I laugh, squeezing her to me and rasping against her head, "No, Shorty. I'm glad you kept it; that was my favorite shirt."

She laughs and pulls back a little. My heart just melts at the sparkle in her eyes as she states, "You're not having it back. I wear it for bed when I'm not with you."

I grin, pulling her closer again as I mumble, "Hmmm, that's probably because I make you sleep naked." I kiss her passionately, making her moan and grip my shirt. When I pull back, her eyes are dazed, and I grin. "Come on, baby, let's go."

She nods, and I help her put on the helmet before we climb on.
