Page 33 of Tats

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Still weird calling him that, though.

I do still have that heart-wrenching fear that I'm going to lose him, which is why, I believe, he messages me during the day. I know my fears are irrational, and I've let them control me for years, but when you know the pain of losing everything, it stops you from living. Losing Jayden would destroy me.

It's why I kept myself closed off for so long.

Teenage me is probably jumping for joy right now, but adult me has fears that just won't fuck off.

With a sigh, I walk out of the classroom building. A bunch of guys are sitting on the walls chatting but stop when they spot me.


"Hey, gorgeous," one of them calls, too close for comfort.

I don't spare him a glance, instead, I check my phone and see I have five minutes to get to the bus stop.


After I got a flat yesterday, Jayden took it to the club's garage, and Sniper promised to make it quick for me. Apparently, they did a whole work up on it, and the gasket is broken or something. I don't know. I hope it won't cost me an arm and a leg.

"Yo, gorgeous, you know it's rude to ignore someone?"

I roll my eyes and put my phone away, ready to run for my bus, but when I look up, my eyes connect with a man's form, a man leaning against his Harley, tilting his head at me. My heart flips at his intense stare.

"Seriously bitch, are you deaf? You should feel grateful I'm even speaking to you."

I smile, my eyes on my man as I snap back at the jerk, "Grateful? Jackass, right now my man is glaring at you from his Harley, ready to kill you for even looking at me." I turn my head and see a guy with black hair pale as he looks at Jayden, his friends stepping back a little, noticing the cut, before they all look my way. I smile. "Have a nice day, and if I were you, I’d sleep with one eye open tonight."

The idiot with black hair, who I'm guessing is the one who opened his mouth, visibly gulps like he wants to vomit, making me chuckle as I run down the steps and jog over to Jayden. He grins, spreading his legs as he leans against his bike. I drop my bag and jump into his arms. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist as my lips meet his in a soft and gentle kiss.

He rasps, "I missed you, baby," making me smile.

I tighten my arms around his neck, kissing him again, and reply, "I missed you, too," making him smile against my lips.

His gaze slides to the door I came out of, and I chuckle before jumping down. He raises a brow at me, and I shake my head at him and say, "No. They are just silly little boys."

He hums, gripping my hips and replying, "Yeah, and so was Lewis, right."

I wince because, yeah, that was a shitshow. I turn and see they've all gone before looking back at my scary, mean biker, who's living up to the stereotype, with his dark gray V-neck t-shirt, dark jeans, and biker boots, with his shades on the top of his head.

I smile and report, "I pointed you out, and they panicked when I told them to sleep with one eye open."

He grins smugly, making me laugh before I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss his delicious lips. His grip tightens on my hips, holding me close as his tongue pushes through my lips, tangling with mine, making me moan. Breaking the kiss, he steps back a little and nods toward his bike.

"Come on, Shorty, I want to spend time with you before Snake decides he needs me again."

I chuckle at his words, letting him place my helmet on me, and I ask, "Would you really hand in your patch?" He raises a brow in surprise. I've never mentioned it, but it's time I do. "They love you." He goes to speak, but I grab his hands. "The old timers are jackasses and don't deserve your forgiveness, they don't, but their children, your friends, your brothers, they're proving how much they love you and how they want you in the club." I swallow hard. "If it's worry about me making you consider handing in your patch, then take me out of the equation. We can continue dating in the shadows if it means you can continue growing your relationships and trust with your brothers. I know you're scared they'd hurt me or destroy us, but if they don't know, then we'll be fine."

He nods, smiling a little before saying, "Climb on, baby," as he grabs my bag and places it in the saddle. I sigh and nod, doing as he asked. He stands near his bike for a moment, his hand on my leg before he looks at me and says, "I love you," making me smile, knowing he took my words to heart.

I reply, "I love you, too."

He grins before climbing on and gripping my thighs, sliding me up close to his body. My arms immediately wrap around his waist, my fingers splaying across his abs as I lean my head against his back. He rubs my calf before putting on his shades and starting his bike. The vibrations run through me as he pulls away from the curb.

Ten minutes later, he pulls up outside my apartment building. I start my new job at the strip club tonight, and I can't catch a bus from his house, which is in the middle of nowhere and has cameras around the perimeter. So this works perfectly. I know I should tell him, and God, do I feel guilty not telling him, but I know he'll flip and try to help me. I've been so independent since losing my parents that relying on someone else scares me.

Plus, I don't want him to think I'm only with him because I'm struggling.

It's fine. I can walk around in a bra and tiny shorts with stripper heels, I just need to make sure the owner knows I won't go on the stage.
