Page 47 of Tats

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I sigh. Grams is still pro-club, while my girl is pro-me.

Grams spends the next five minutes demanding plenty of pictures, then another five minutes angry that she didn't pick up on my relationship, before I finally can hang up. In the silence, my eyes go back to the cut.

I don't understand why this is difficult. I know I'm going to hand in the cut. I know it, my heart fucking knows it, so why am I struggling?

"Put the cut on, brother."

I swallow hard, not turning around, unable to deal with this shit right now. Instead, I ask, "How's Quinn, Brother?"

Breaker growls. "Still fucking ignoring me, which I know is going to get a hell of a lot worse soon, and stop trying to change the subject. Put the fucking cut on."

I turn to him, ignoring his words, and state, "You think you can win her back even though you let Suzy suck you off?"

He flinches and says, "Brother, I was intoxicated. I had no idea what I had done until the next morning. She tried saying we fucked, but since that shit with Jingles, the camera I installed says otherwise. I know I need to tell her; I just need to figure out a way to do it without that won’t send her running."

I wince. "I don't know if you'll be able to keep her when she finds out, brother."

He shakes his head, pushing off the door before pulling his dark blue buttoned-down shirt down at the hem while walking toward me. He says, "She ended things, Tats. She saw the bitch in my bed and found it hard to believe nothing happened. She ended things over that little thing when I had proof Jingles slipped in after drugging my drink. I didn't cheat, I fucking feel like I did because my heart is hers, but I know I didn't."

I nod because I know he didn't, but she may not see it that way.

He grabs my cut and holds it out, continuing, "I will win her back. I can't lose her just like you can't lose Violet. Now, put the cut on, brother, because I can guarantee you'll regret it if you don't, and don't argue with me over it." I sigh and listen, letting him help me put the leather on. He says, "Us Devils, we like to fuck up epically…fuck. I'm surprised Snake even managed to convince Sarah to give their relationship another go, the idiot was well and truly a fucking idiot, and now Smokey can't even remember Olivia, who he loved more than life itself. I fucked up by not fighting harder when Quinn ended things. Doc…well, he's just a fucking idiot for what he did to Ken, and Tech needs to open his eyes and see that his momma is being a bitch, and is conspiring with his ex, and he's going to lose Brook if he's not careful." He pauses for a moment before his eyes widen. "Fuck, Sniper is the only one who hasn't fucked up."

I laugh and check myself in the mirror one last time, and state, "That's because he doesn't fucking date," making him chuckle. I shake my hands out, nervousness shooting through me. I rasp, "Okay, I'm ready…fuck I hope she shows."

Breaker grins, slapping my back. "Brother, that woman loves you more than anything in this world, fuck, she's even willingly kept your relationship secret. She'll show."

I nod, trying to get my nerves under control before we both leave my room. I lock it behind us as I check my black dress pants for the wedding rings, making sure I have everything. When we walk into the common room, several heads turn our way, then freeze in shock.

Fuck, is everyone here?

I send Momma a smile, noticing her near the back. I kiss two of my fingers, holding them up to my little sister, who smiles, her eyes taking in my outfit. I don't stop walking, not willing to go over to them, because I know they'll question me. But that doesn't stop Snake from speaking up.

"Where the fuck are you two going dressed like that?"

Breaker chuckles, and I don't answer. I raise my hand and keep walking, even as my father questions, "Son?"

I don't stop my stride.

I have a fucking woman to get to.

Half an hour later, I'm standing before a judge, and Breaker and Kellen are standing to my left. To my right stands Liv, wearing a light purple, knee-length dress, and silver heels, smiling wide. I know my girl also wanted April here, but the little cutie can't keep a secret to save her life. As it stands, she thinks Vi and I are just friends.

I look at Liv and raise a brow, wondering where the fuck my woman is, but she just grins, seeing my nervousness. She shakes her head, stating, "She's taking a few minutes, thinking of her parents. Do you really think she wouldn't show up?"

I sigh because, yeah, my girl loves me, and I know not having her parents here is hard for her.

The soft music starts, and I look toward the door to see my girl walking in and—fuck me—is she a vision. Her light blond hair is up in a fancy twist, a few pieces falling around her face, which is lit up, seeing me in basically a suit—fuck I'm even wearing dress shoes.

I take in her appearance as she gets closer. She's in a simple, off-white maxi dress, with thin straps to hold it up, a V-cut neck dipped low in between her breasts, where she's holding a bunch of white and pink daisies, and a pair of white wedges.

Fuck, my girl takes my breath away.

When she gets within reach, my arm instantly reaches out and wraps around her before my lips meet hers. This makes everyone chuckle as Kellen states, "Brother, you're supposed to do that after our man here says you can."

I smile against Vi's lips, making her giggle, before I rub my nose against hers, whispering, "You look beautiful," making her eyes water. I kiss her again and turn to the judge, who's grinning.

"Alright, you two…you ready to get married?"
